Understanding application changes made in App Studio
You can publish application changes that you make in App Studio to the pipeline. Publishing your changes creates a patch version of the application and starts a deployment. For example, you can change a life cycle, data model, or user interface elements in a screen and submit those changes to systems in the pipeline.
Ensure the following items are properly configured before making application changes in App Studio.
- A product rule exists with the same name and version as the application being deployed. For more information see Creating a product rule by using the create menu
- A pipeline has been created in Deployment Manager for the application being deployed.
- There is at least one unlocked ruleset in the application.
- The users who will publish changes are logged into the application being deployed on the development system.
- The users who will publish changes have been granted a role in Deployment Manager that can start deployments.
- The RMURL dynamic system setting, which defines the URL of orchestration server, is configured on the system.
Your pipeline should have at least one quality assurance or staging stage with a manual task so that you do not deploy changes to production that have not been approved by stakeholders.
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