Adding a pipeline on Pega Cloud Services
If you are using Pega Cloud Services, when you add a pipeline, you specify details such as the application name and version for the pipeline. Many fields are populated by default, such as the URL of your development system and product rule name and version.
To add a pipeline on Pega Cloud Services, do the following
- In the navigation pane, click .
- Click New.
- Specify the details of the application for which you are creating the pipeline.
- To change the URL of your development system,
which is populated by default with your development system URL, in the
Development environment field, press the Down
arrow key and select the URL. This is the system on which the product rule that defines the application package that moves through the repository is located.
- In the Application field, press the Down arrow key and select the name of the application.
- In the Version field, press the Down arrow key and select the application version.
- Click the Access group field and select the
access group for which pipeline tasks are run. This access group must be present on all the candidate systems and have at least the sysadmin4 role. Ensure that the access group is correctly pointing to the application name and version that is configured in the pipeline.
- In the Pipeline name field, enter a unique name for the pipeline.
- To change the URL of your development system,
which is populated by default with your development system URL, in the
Development environment field, press the Down
arrow key and select the URL.
- If you are using a separate product rule to manage test cases, to deploy a test
case, in the Application test cases section, select the
Deploy test applications check box; then, complete
the following steps:
- In the Test application field, enter the name of the test application.
- In the Version field, enter the version of the test case product rule.
- In the Access group field, enter the access group for which test cases are run.
- In the Product rule field, enter the name of the test case product rule.
- From the Deploy until field, select the pipeline
stage until the test case product rule will be deployed.
- To change product rule that defines the contents of the application, the Product rule field, enter the name of the product rule that defines the contents of the application, which is populated by default with the application name.
- To change the product rule version, in Version field, enter the version, which is populated by default with the application version.
- Click Create.
- Add tasks that you want to perform on your pipeline, such
as Pega unit testing. For more information, see Modifying stages and tasks in the pipeline.
- Run diagnostics to verify that your pipeline is
configured correctly. For more information, see Diagnosing a pipeline.
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