Release notes
These release notes provide information about enhancements, known issues, issues related to updating from a previous release, and issues that were resolved in each release of Deployment Manager.
For answers to frequently asked questions, see the Deployment Manager FAQ page.
- Deployment Manager 5.2.1
Deployment Manager 5.2.1 includes the following new feature and resolved issues.
- Deployment Manager 5.1.1
Deployment Manager 5.1.1 includes the following new features and enhancements.
- Deployment Manager 4.8.4
Deployment Manager 4.8.4 includes the following resolved issues.
- Deployment Manager 4.8.3
Deployment Manager 4.8.3 includes the following resolved issues.
- Deployment Manager 4.8.2
Deployment Manager 4.8.2 includes the following new feature and resolved issues.
- Deployment Manager 4.8.1
Deployment Manager 4.8.1 includes the following enhancements and resolved issues:
- Deployment Manager 4.7.1
Deployment Manager 4.7.1includes the following enhancements.
- Deployment Manager 4.6.1
Deployment Manager 4.6.1 includes the following enhancements and resolved issues.
- Deployment Manager 4.5.1
Deployment Manager 4.5.1 includes the following enhancements and resolved issues.
- Deployment Manager 4.4.2
Deployment Manager 4.4.2 includes the following resolved issues.
- Deployment Manager 4.4.1
Deployment Manager 4.4.1 includes the following enhancements and known issues.
- Deployment Manager 4.3.2
Deployment Manager 4.3.2 includes the following resolved issues.
- Deployment Manager 4.3.1
Deployment Manager 4.3.1 includes the following enhancements.
- Deployment Manager 4.2.1
Deployment Manager 4.2.1 includes the following enhancements.
- Deployment Manager 4.1.1
Deployment Manager 4.1.1 includes the following enhancements.
- Deployment Manager 3.4.1
Deployment Manager 3.4.1 includes the following enhancements.
- Deployment Manager 3.3.1
Deployment Manager 3.3.1 includes the following enhancements and known issues.
- Deployment Manager 3.2.1
Deployment Manager 3.2.1 includes the following enhancements.
- Deployment Manager 3.1.1
Deployment Manager 3.1.1 includes the following enhancements.
- Deployment Manager 2.1.4
Deployment Manager 2.1.4 includes the resolved issues.
- Deployment Manager 2.1.3
Deployment Manager 2.1.4 includes the following enhancements.
- Deployment Manager 2.1.2
Deployment Manager 2.1.2 includes the known issues.
- Deployment Manager 1.1.3
Deployment Manager 1.1.3 includes the following enhancements.
- Deployment Manager 1.1.2
Deployment Manager 1.1.2 includes the following known and resolved issues.
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