Using Deployment Manager for model-driven DevOps
Deployment Manager is the standard way to test and deploy Pega applications. It exposes all capabilities of the Pega Platform necessary to automate your DevOps workflows, including branch merging, application packaging, applying quality gates, and promoting an application to different environments. Deployment Manager leverages market-leading case management technology to build and run continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines with a familiar, model-driven experience.
Getting started
Available to both on-premises and Pega Cloud customers, Deployment Manager makes it easy to set up and deploy your Pega Applications without the need for any third-party automation tools.
Built for Pega, by Pega, Deployment Manager integrates seamlessly with the Pega Infinity platform.
- Getting to know the systems and components
You should understand some of the high-level components necessary for a successful Deployment Manager implementation before installation. This article provides descriptions of each component you need.
- Installing or upgrading Deployment Manager 5.x
You must import the Deployment Manager components if you are using it on-premises. Because Pega Cloud services manages the orchestration server in any Pega Cloud subscription, Pega Cloud services manages the installation and upgrades of Deployment Manager orchestration servers.
- Configuring pipelines and deploying applications in Deployment Manager
Use Deployment Manager to create continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, which automate tasks so that you can quickly deploy high-quality software to production.
- Configuring additional settings in 5.1.x
As part of your pipeline, users can optionally receive notifications through email when events occur. For example, users can receive emails when tasks or pipeline deployments succeed or fail. For more information about the notifications that users can receive, see .
- Accessing API documentation
Deployment manager provides REST APIs for interacting with resources that in the Deployment Manager interface. Use these APIs to create and manage pipelines by using automated scripts or external information.
- Release notes
These release notes provide information about enhancements, known issues, issues related to updating from a previous release, and issues that were resolved in each release of Deployment Manager.
- Past release documentation
The Deployment Manager releases for the corresponding versions of documentation are no longer available to be downloaded from Pega Marketplace.
Previous topic Understanding application release changes, types, and processes Next topic Getting to know the systems and components