Deployment Manager 5.1.x archived documentation
See below for a list of archived 5.1.x documentation.
- Configuring an application pipeline in 5.1.x
When you add a pipeline, you specify merge criteria and configure stages and steps in the continuous delivery workflow. For example, you can specify that a branch must be peer-reviewed before it can be merged, and you can specify that Pega unit tests must be run after a branch is merged and is in the QA stage of the pipeline.
- Configuring additional settings in 5.1.x
As part of your pipeline, users can optionally receive notifications through email when events occur. For example, users can receive emails when tasks or pipeline deployments succeed or fail. For more information about the notifications that users can receive, see .
- Starting a deployment as you merge branches from the development environment in 5.1.x
In either a branch-based or distributed, branch-based environment, you can immediately start a deployment by submitting a branch into a pipeline in the Merge Branches wizard. The wizard displays the merge status of branches so that you do not need to open Deployment Manager to view it.
- Understanding schema changes in application packages in 5.1.x
If an application package that is to be deployed on candidate systems contains schema changes, the Pega Platform orchestration server checks the candidate system to verify that you have the required privileges to deploy the schema changes. One of the following results occurs:
- Diagnosing a pipeline in 5.1.x
You can diagnose your pipeline to troubleshoot issues and verify that your pipeline is configured properly.
- Viewing deployment logs in 5.1.x
View logs for a deployment to see the completion status of operations, for example, when a deployment moves from staging to production. When the Deploy task runs, the application package is imported in to the candidate system. By default, logs record all the new rule and data instances and all the updated rule and data instances that are in this application package. You can disable the logging of such rule and data types and can change the logging level to control which events are displayed in the log.
Previous topic Diagnosing a pipeline in 5.3.x Next topic Configuring an application pipeline in 5.1.x