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Submitting a branch into an application by using the Merge Branches wizard

Updated on December 13, 2021

You can start a branch merge, which triggers a deployment, by submitting a branch into an application in the Merge Branches wizard. By using the wizard to start merges, you can start a deployment without additional configuration.

To submit a branch into an application by using the Merge Branches wizard, perform the following steps:
  1. In the navigation pane of Dev Studio,, click App, and then click Branches.
  2. Right-click the branch and click Merge.
  3. Click Proceed.
    Result: The wizard displays a message in the following scenarios:
    • If there are no pipelines that are configured for your application or there are no branches in the target application.
    • If the value for the OrchestratorURL dynamic system setting is not valid.
  4. Click Switch to standard merge to switch to the Merge Branches wizard that you can use to merge branches into target rulesets. For more information, see Merging branches into target rulesets .
  5. In the Application pipelines section, from the Pipeline list, select the application for which the pipeline is configured into which you want to merge branches.
  6. In the Merge Description field, enter information that you want to capture about the merge.

    This information appears when you view deployment details.

  7. In the Associated User stories/bugs field, press the Down arrow key, and then select the Agile Workbench user story or bug that you want to associate with this branch merge.
  8. Click Merge.

The system queues the branch for merging, generates a case ID for the merge, and runs the continuous integration criteria that you specified.

If there are errors, and the merge is not successful, an email is sent to the operator ID of the release manager that is specified on the orchestration server.

The branch is stored in the development repository and, after the merge is completed, Deployment Manager deletes the branch from the development system. By storing branches in the development repository, Deployment Manager keeps a history, which you can view, of the branches in a centralized location.

If your development system is appropriately configured, you can rebase your development application to obtain the most recently committed rulesets after you merge your branches. For more information, see Rebasing rules to obtain latest versions.

  • Previous topic Configuring settings before using the Merge Branches wizard
  • Next topic Understanding schema changes in application packages in 5.1.x

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