Differences between UCCE and UCCX
Computer telephony integration (CTI) is a common name for any technology that allows for the integration and coordination of interactions on a telephone and a computer. Pega Call™ supports the Cisco Unified Intelligent Contact Management (ICM) and Cisco Finesse platform CTI environments.
Cisco contact center platforms: Unified Contact Center Express (UCCX) and Unified Contact Center Enterprise (UCCE) are supported by Pega Call. These are the differences between UCCE and UCCX:
- For outbound calls between agents or extensions on UCCX, Pega Call remaps the call type from outbound to internal so that it is consistent with UCCE and standard Pega Call call types.
- There are minor failover behavioral differences of Finesse server with UCCE versus UCCX. For more information on the failover configuration setup, refer to the Pega Call Cisco Finesse Operations and Configuration guide.
- UCCX does not support call variables when placing a regular non-consultative call.