Enabling JMS support
To use a Java Message Service (JMS) connector or service, your system must be able to function as a JMS client. JMS connectors support JMS 1.0. JMS connectors work with JMS 1.1, but only for JMS 1.0 features, for example, shared subscriptions, a JMS 1.1 feature, is not supported.
If Pega Platform™ is deployed as an enterprise application or as a Web application in a J2EE application server, it is enabled as a JMS client and the JMS jar is available at runtime. However, the JMS jar must also be made available to the Pega Platform compile time class path.
If Pega Platform is deployed as a Web application in Tomcat or another non-J2EE application server, you must obtain the vendor’s documentation for that application server and take whatever steps are necessary to configure the Pega Platform system as a JMS client, which should put the JMS jar on the Pega Platform runtime class path. You must also make the JMS jar available to the Pega Platform compile-time class path.
See About the Process Commander Version 5 Class Paths. Follow the instructions in the section titled "Adding Third-Party jar Files and Java Class Files to the Class Paths" and make the JMS jar available to the Pega Platform compile-time class path.
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