Adopting feature-driven development
Develop capabilities in the context of a feature to maintain functional requirements and project status directly in your application.
As a best practice, use Agile Workbench to manage feature-driven development because work items provide traceability from features to the rules that support them.- Feature order
To understand the importance of the features in your application, look at the order in which your application lists features. Your application lists features in order of relevance to the current implementation, with the oldest features at the top by default.
- Creating features
Ensure that your application supports capabilities that meet your specific business needs and customer expectations, by creating features. When you create features, you communicate what elements your development team needs to implement to deliver a complete application, so that you can appropriately plan your work and inform stakeholders about your application design.
- Creating subfeatures
Provide more advanced and varied solutions in your application by enhancing application features with subfeatures. Create a subfeature to define a capability that extends another capability.
- Reviewing application features
Review the current features in your application so that you can make informed decisions about the new features and subfeatures that you create. To access more information about your features, review them by switching to a tree view.
- Changing feature levels
Change the relative position of a feature in the hierarchy to support their reuse and extension in other applications. The feature order and the relationships between features and subfeatures reflect how important features are and how different features correlate with each other.
- Requesting feature enhancements
Improve and adjust an application to your specific business needs by requesting a feature enhancement. You request an enhancement by creating a feedback item. Your development team triages feedback items and decides whether to implement or reject the enhancement, based on priority and available resources.
- Creating bugs to report feature defects
Improve your application by identifying any issues that might have a negative impact and creating bugs that report feature defects. When you create bugs, your development team can track the defects, and then fix the issues to deliver an effective product.
- Associating rules with features
Document the rules that implement a feature to improve the traceability and extensibility of your application. When you associate a feature with a rule, you can conveniently check which elements exactly build your application, so that you can make informed decisions when you decide to reuse a feature in another application.
- Associating a feature with a work item
Improve the traceability of your application development by associating your assigned work items with the features that the work items implement. You can associate a feature with a user story, a bug, or a feedback item.
- Skimming features to the latest version
Copy, or skim, features from previous versions of your application to ensure that the application that you ship includes the complete feature hierarchy.
- Deleting a feature
Delete features when they are unused or no longer relevant. For example, when you de-scope a feature from your application development, you can delete the feature to ensure that you strictly follow the latest requirements for the application that you want to deliver.
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