How and why to use Rules Inspector
The Rules Inspector tool provides a quick and interactive way for you to identify and inspect a form’s underlying harness, section, flow action and property rules as well as the associated HTML and property dependency networks.
- From the Developer portal menu, select Run > Rules Inspector
- Select any or all of the inspector options (HTML rules, Property Rules, Declarative Rules) to enable rule inspection.
- A check mark appears for each selected option. All user forms immediately display the icons associated with each selection until you turn that option off.
- On the form, hover the mouse pointer over an icon to display the tool tip identifying the underlying rule.
- Click the Inspector icon to open the link and display the rule, HTML or Dependency Network.
- De-select the menu option to end rule inspection.
Note: The Rules Inspector is a development and debugging tool. Leaving this feature continuously turned on during development slows your session.
By design, the Rules Inspector does not mark a few internal-only rule instances (HTML rules in the Data-Gadget class, for example).