How to display process statistics using flow overlays
There are three types of overlays: Task Volumes, Flow Analysis, and Task Duration. You can drill down into them to open reports containing the items that comprise the statistics. Overlays also identify orphan assignments or flow actions that you can repair or delete. This article shows you how you display the overlays and describes the information they contain.
Suggested Approach
To use flow overlays, open a flow rule form. On the Diagram tab, display them using the View drop-down list.
Standard View is the default. Overlays are not displayed on the diagram.
You can select the following overlays:
- Task Volumes— Displays the current volume of work object assignments for each step in the process. Those that are on time, past goal, and past deadline are indicated as such.
Click the link (total number) to open a list view of the items comprising the assignment. You can also access the Timeliness by Task summary report from the Analyze Performance group within the Monitor Activity workspace. The report includes a graphical representation of the data for all the assignments in the flow.
- Flow Analysis— Displays the statistics describing the flow-action path that work objects have taken at each assignment. The percentages displayed represent the actual usage patterns in the system and may be used to benchmark and update the design-time percentages that are defined when editing the flow. Click an action link to open a summary view of the items comprising each assignment. You can open a summary view for all the assignments in the flow by clicking Flow Analysis in the Design tab. You can also access the Action Analysis summary report from the Analyze Performance group within the Monitor Activity workspace.
- Task Duration— Displays the average time that an operator takes to process each of the assignments in a flow. The duration is displayed in the HH:MM:SS format. Click a link to open a summary view of the items comprising each assignment.You can access the Task Duration summary report from the Analyze Performance group within the Monitor Activity workspace. The report includes a graphical representation of the data for all the assignments in the flow.
Orphan assignments and flow actions
Task Volumes, Flow Analysis and Task Duration also display, under the drop-down list, a table of orphaned assignments or flow actions that may exist in the system but no longer have valid references as shown in this example for Flow Analysis:
These orphan items can occur when an assignment shape is missing or renamed through design or implementation errors, access issues, RuleSet issues, or database integrity issues. Click a link (Action item in this example) to open a list of orphan items. You can drill down to the item to correct the error. You can also delete an orphan assignment by opening the, selecting an item, and clicking Delete Orphan Assignments.
Note: Verify that the work type for the flow rule has inherits from the from parent class Work- and is concrete (has saved work objects). A History table for this class contains assignment data used by these reports.