How can I initiate a change in my Pega Cloud environment?
This content applies only to Pega Cloud environments
In the Home tab select the New Request button where you will be provided with 2 options:
For an issue I’m having
For something I need
To request a change in your Pega Cloud environment, select For something I need
This will lead you to a three-step process: Create, Details, Communication Preferences
Create: In the Service request field, you will be presented with the following options:
- Cloud Change (CC-)
- Existing hotfix (HF-)
- Other (SR-)
Select Cloud Change, then enter the information requested in the Create tab
Details: Enter additional details for the request e.g., enter the tasks required to complete your Cloud Change request.
Communication Preferences – Validate your contact information, including your phone number. Add any other contacts you wish to keep informed about the issue. Note: Additional contacts will include contacts which you included in your last incident.
For all, the Significant production change requests (CC), Security Contact approval is required. For such cases we need the Security Contact to approve the CC support case in My Support Portal (MSP). Please see Cloud Change approval process | Pega for step by step instructions on the approval process.
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