Application Overview landing page
The Pega 7 Application Overview landing page gives you a 360-degree view and complete control of your application profile, which supports the Direct Capture of Objectives (DCO). The profile is a collection of business-related information (also referred to as DCO assets) that describes the processes, specifications, requirements, participants, collaborators, actors, and attachments that are associated with your application.
The goal of creating an application profile is to focus discussions and get the project started in the right direction. Business analysts, lead architects, and other project members collaboratively and iteratively create the application profile. This collaborative effort increases the likelihood of a successful implementation because core business questions are asked and discussed, and then the answers are captured in the profile.
DCO is completely integrated into all aspects of application design and development. This approach lets you capture, update, and document your application profile where and when its needed. The Application Overview landing page helps you transform your objectives into processes that are on target and on time.
To see an example of how you can use the Application Overview landing page, see Managing your application profile from the Application Overview landing page.
Application Overview landing page functions and features
To open the Application Overview landing page, select Application menu . The landing page contains the six areas highlighted. Each is describe in details below.
The areas are as follows.
Application Cases
Displays the top-level case types in your the application. Click a case type link to open it in its Case Designer landing page. Your enter the description beneath the link when you create a case type using the Add dialog, or edited in the Description area on the case type form's History tab.
Displays a high-level description of the application. For example, the description answers the questions "What purpose does this application provide to our organization?" You can update this information anytime by clicking the Edit button. When you create your application in Application Express, you enter the description in Step 1.
Business Objectives
Displays the expected business outcomes and objectives for this application. These are referenced when you create specifications. You can update this information anytime by clicking the Edit button. When you create your application in Application Express, you enter the business objectives in Step 2.
Displays a list of DCO types (specifications, requirements, and so on) and a count of each. Clicking a label or number opens a landing page or dialog that lets you view or update the information.
- Actors — An actor is the name assigned to a user, external service or agent that participates in an application's processes and specifications.
- Specifications — A specification represents a small processing unit performed by one or more actors for a given case type within an application. A single specification may correspond to an entire process, a single flow action, or a screen flow.
- Requirements — Requirements are an inventory of events, conditions, or functions that need to be satisfied and tracked by an application. Requirements are referenced in application rules, Specification rules, and flows.
- Assumptions — Provides the details relating to the management of the project, such as division of responsibilities. Application Express provides 20 default assumptions, which you can update at any time.
- Participants — Roles and counts of users who will be accessing the application. This list helps identify the anticipated resources required to implement the application.
- Attachments — Documents associated with the application. Attachments typically include reference documents such as UML diagrams, PowerPoint presentations, informal sketches, or files from external systems.
- Collaborators — Individuals who contribute to the application development project. For example, a Lead Business Analyst can invite other business analysts to edit and add project requirements. You can send email invitations to add collaborators.
Quick Actions
Provides the following tools:
- Document Application — Generates an Application Profile Word document that captures business-related information including the processes DCO assets that are associated with the implementation. Business analysts, lead architects, and other project members collaboratively and iteratively create the application profile. Select the Application Profile option to create the document using the default settings, or select Advanced to open the Application Document wizard. For more information about the wizard, see DCO 6.2 - Using the Application Document Wizard.
- Generate Sizing — The Sizing wizard enables you to create, edit, and attach an Excel spreadsheet to your current or built-on applications with information that helps you estimate the duration and resources needed for your implementation. As your project progresses, you can use the wizard to review or update it.
- Package Application — Packages the application in an archive ZIP file which you can use when moving your application to another system; for example, when migrating applications among development, testing and production environments. You can select either of the following options:
- Basic to create the archive file using default settings. The system does not create a Product rule.
- Advanced to open the Application Packaging wizard and create a Product rule according to your custom settings and then package it into an archive file.
For more information, see Migrating Applications with the Application Packaging Wizard.
- Lock/Unlock Application — Locks the application using password protection and prevents updates to specific landing page fields such as Description and Business Objectives. The application name on the page header displays a lock. As a best practice, protect the application in most development environments. Click Unlock Application to remove the password protection; provide the password when prompted.
This feature facilitates collaboration and conversation among application developers and users. Post your message in the PegaPulse window, then click Share. By default, posts are public and visible to individuals who are part of your application and work group. You can add attachments to your posts, including documents, images, and links. For more information, see About PegaPulse.
For PRPC V6.x users
The Pega 7 Application Overview landing page:
- Eliminates the need for the Application Profile tool, which has been removed in PRPC 7.1.
- Consolidates functionality and information formerly on the PRPC 6.x Overview and Profile landing pages. This includes Description, Business Objectives, Attachments, Assumptions, Actors, and Project Participants.
- Provides a link to the Requirements table now on the Application Profile landing page.
- Contains Lock Application and Invite Collaborator actions formerly on the Application Structure landing page.
- Provides direct access to tools formerly in the Application Profile tool. These include the Application Packaging Wizard, the Documentation Wizard, and the new Sizing Wizard (replaces the Sizing tool).
Previous topic Managing your application profile from the Application Overview landing page Next topic How to manage specifications and requirements from the Application Profile landing page