How to prevent IE warning 'Stop Running This Script?' when adding Application requirements
While adding requirements to a Use Case in the Discovery Map of the Application Profile, you see the Internet Explorer (IE) warning Stop Running This Script?
The warning relates to a limitation with the rich text editor (RTE) when adding descriptions for Use Case requirements. The browser is cleaning up multiple RTEs at the same time, causing the number of instructions to exceed the default limit that IE uses.
Suggested approach
To prevent the IE warning from appearing too frequently, change the registry to increase the number of instructions that IE allows before it displays the Stop Running This Script?
warning. (The lower the number, the more frequently the warning appears.)
Refer to the Microsoft Support article, Error message: "A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly". Use the Fix it for me wizard or follow the Let me fix it myself procedure.
Editing the registry to increase the number of instructions that can take place before IE throws the Stop Running This Script?
warning should provide enough of a buffer to prevent slower connections from triggering IE warning.
Additional information
DCO 6.1 -- Working with Application Requirements
Microsoft support
Error message: "A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly"
MSFN forum
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