Importing the Pega Sales Automation for Insurance sample application package
Pega Sales Automation for Insurance includes a sample application package that you can use to demonstrate the application's features and to view options for setting up your sales team and sales methodology. The sample application package consists of sales managers for Global, East, West, and Central territories, and their direct reports. It also includes the following data types and tools:
- Sample data for accounts, contacts, leads, opportunities, sales teams (operators and their sales goals)
- Sample data for accounts - policies and opportunities - quotes
To import the sample application package, complete the following steps:
- Importing the sample application package
- Verifying the sample application package
- Promoting a prospect to a customer in the sample application
Importing the sample application package
You must import the sample application and the sample data that it contains into the Pega Platform instance that includes the Pega Sales Automation for Insurance code base. The RAP file PegaCRMISample_731.jar includes the Rule-Application: SAISample 07.31. The rules that are related to the sample implementation are in the SAISample:07-31 ruleset.
- Log in to the Pega Platform by entering the administrator credentials for your implementation.
- Click Designer Studio > Application > Distribution > Import.
- Browse for and select the PegaCRMISample_731.jar file from the Sample folder on your distribution media.
- After the file is uploaded, click .
Verifying the sample application package
To verify that the sample package is installed correctly, log in to the Pega Sales Automation for Insurance sample application and confirm the presence of sample data for accounts, contacts, leads, opportunities, sales teams (operators and their sales goals), polices, and quotes.
To verify data in the Sales Rep portal, complete the following steps:
- Log in to the Pega Sales Automation for Insurance sample application by entering the credentials for the operator EastRep.
- In the Sales Rep portal navigation pane, click a menu item and confirm the presence of the sample data.
For example, to confirm the presence of sample data for opportunities, click . The list of sample opportunities should be displayed in the Opportunity screen.
To verify data in the Sales Manager portal, complete the following steps:
- Log in to the Pega Sales Automation sample application by entering the credentials for the operator EastSalesMgr.
- In the Sales Manager portal navigation pane, click a menu item and confirm the presence of the sample data.
For example, to confirm the presence of sample data for opportunities, click . The list of sample opportunities should be displayed in the Opportunity screen.
Promoting a prospect to a customer in the sample application
You can set the Pega Sales Automation for Insurance sample application package to promote a prospect to a customer so that you can add an internal policy to the account or close the opportunity as won, which automatically creates an internal policy for the won opportunity.
To configure the sample application package to promote a prospect to a customer, complete the following steps:
- Log in to the Pega Platform by entering the administrator credentials for your implementation.
- In the Designer Studio header search text field, search for and select the SAISample EnableContactPromotion dynamic system setting.
- In the Value field on the Edit Dynamic System Settings screen, enter true.
- Click .