Cultivating your community of practice
The goal of the App Factory low-code program is to allow makers, or citizen developers, to create useful applications without the need for extensive training or the need to traditionally code applications. In this minimal-training environment, it is important to provide makers with as-needed support. In the App Factory program, learning resources, coaching, practice managers, and the practice committee make up a community of practice. The community of practice provides the initial enablement of and ongoing support for the makers.
Creating makers
Though makers in the program can be experienced Pega developers, the program is designed specifically to enable business users to develop applications largely on their own without much training. Makers become enabled by taking a short Pega Academy course to become familiar with program concepts and the App Studio, and then receive a qualified makers badge. New makers also receive a tour of App Studio and the App Factory environment to help get them started. Makers who are new to Pega will likely need significant coaching help and oversight. With experience, it is expected that makers will become more independent. In the long run, experienced makers enthusiastic about the program can themselves become great coaches for new makers.
Ongoing support for makers
Ongoing support for makers is provided via coaching, online resources, and a collaborative App Factory community.
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