Configuring repositories on the orchestration server and candidate systems
If you are using Deployment Manager on-premises, create repositories on the orchestration server and all candidate systems to move your application between all the systems in the pipeline. You can use a supported repository type that is provided in Pega Platform, or you can create a custom repository type.
If you are using Deployment Manager on Pega Cloud Services, default repositories are provided. If you want to use repositories other than the ones provided, you can create your own.
For more information about creating a supported repository type, see Creating a repository connection.
For more information about creating a custom repository type, see Creating and using custom repository types for Deployment Manager.
When you create repositories, note the following information:
- The Pega repository type is not supported.
- Ensure that each repository has the same name on all systems.
- When you create JFrog Artifactory repositories, ensure that you create a Generic package type in JFrog Artifactory. Also, when you create the authentication profile for the repository on Pega Platform, you must select the Preemptive authentication check box.
After you configure a pipeline, you can verify that the repository connects to the URL of the development and production repositories by clicking Test Connectivity on the Repository rule form.
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