Sending push notifications with the push console
Send custom push notifications to all or specific users of your mobile app by using the push console in the mobile channel.
For example, your company does monthly accounting of all expense reports that the employees submit. In the mobile app that handles expense reporting, you can send all managers a reminder to review the pending expense reports before the deadline for the current month.To receive the notifications, users must install the app on a device and sign in to the app at least once.
- Open your mobile channel:
- In the navigation pane of App Studio, click Channels.
- In the Current channel interfaces section, click the tile that represents a mobile channel for your app.
- On the mobile channel page, access the push console by clicking the Manage tab.
- In the Push notifications section, click the Push new notification button.
- In the Send push notification window, click the Test tab, and then click the Test push connection button.
- If errors occur, click Download log to obtain more information about the cause of the issue.
- In the Send push notification window, click the
Live tab, and then select the target audience for the push
- To send the message to all users of the mobile app, click Everyone.
- To send the message only to specific users, click Recipient list, and then enter a space-separated list of operator IDs.
- In the Message field, enter your message, and then click the Send now button.
- Click Submit.
- Optional: To verify the status of the messages that you send from the push notification console,
review the push notification history:
- In the Push notifications section, analyze the list of
previously sent messages to various users of your app.If a recipient signs in to the app on more than one device, the list includes several entries for the recipient, which are grouped in the Audience column.
- Optional: To display a list of intended recipients of the message, in the Audience column, click the target audience that you want to investigate.
- Optional: To clear the contents of the push notification history, click Clear
history.This action permanently removes the current message history.
- In the Push notifications section, analyze the list of
previously sent messages to various users of your app.
- Configuring push notifications for Android apps
Keep the users up-to-date with various events in your business process by enabling automatic push notifications in your mobile app for Android devices.
- Configuring push notifications on iOS
You configure the push notifications for the iOS mobile app in a new or an already existing iOS certificate set that contains mobile provisioning with push notifications enabled. You must upload a .p12 file containing an Apple Push Notification service (APNs) certificate used for push notifications. After you configure the options described in the following procedure, push notifications will be enabled for the iOS mobile app.
- Adding the push notifications shape to a workflow
You configure push notifications by adding a Push Notification smart shape to a workflow. You add a Push Notification smart shape before an assignment shape and configure it to send a push notification to a user's mobile device. The notification indicates that an appraisal is ready for user's review.
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