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Sourcing large data pages from a connector, activity, or data transform

Updated on March 3, 2022

Ensure that users can quickly access up-to-date reference data in your offline-enabled mobile app, such as expense report details, by improving the synchronization process. To achieve this, source large data pages from a connector, activity, or data transform, and then configure the large data pages by creating a JavaScript populator function.

Note: You can also source large data pages from a report definition. Setting a report definition as the source of a large data page does not require you to create a JavaScript populator function. As a best practice, source large data pages from report definitions. For more information, see Sourcing large data pages from a report definition.
Before you begin: In Dev Studio, create a connector, activity, or data transform from which you want to source the data page.

For more information, see:

To source large data pages from a connector, activity, or data transform, perform the following procedures:
  1. Define the fields that you want to include in the data page by creating and configuring a data type.
  2. Configure a data page that you later declare as large.
  3. Define the JavaScript populator function in a Pega Platform text file.
  4. Add the text file that contains the JavaScript populator function to your application.
  • Previous topic Sourcing large data pages from a report definition
  • Next topic Creating a data type when sourcing large data pages from a connector, activity, or data transform

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