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Adding a question to a question page

Updated on November 22, 2021

Add a question to a question page to prompt users for information in a format that you define.

  1. In the header of Dev Studio, click ConfigureCase ManagementSurvey.
  2. On the Surveys tab, click the name of a survey.
  3. Click a question page where you want to add the question, and then click +Add questionNew.
  4. In the list that is displayed, select a type of question.
  5. In the rich text editor, enter the text for your question.
  6. Format your question, based on the type that you choose.

    The following question types require formatting:

  7. Click Save survey.
  • Formatting text boxes in a survey

    Format mutliple text boxes in a survey to ask users to provide short text answers. For example, you can ask users to enter a first name or a phone number.

  • Formatting a picklist in a survey

    Format a picklist in a survey to define the choices that users can select to answer a question.

  • Formatting a checklist in a survey

    Format a checklist in a survey to define the choices that users can select to answer a question. For example, you can ask users to select the languages that they speak.

  • Formatting a slider in a survey

    Format a slider in a survey to contol the range of values from which users select an answer. For example, you can ask how many days users work each week by formatting a slider with the values one through seven.

  • Formatting a radio button matrix in a survey

    Format a radio button matrix in a survey to ask a series of related questions that are answered by selecting one option from a repeating group of radio buttons. For example, you can ask users to rate their pain threshold on a scale of one to five for different activities, such as swimming, running, or walking.

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