Modifying call treatment rules
To review and modify the Call Treatment rules from the Pega Call administration landing page, perform the following steps.
In the header of Dev Studio, click
.Click the Call Treatment tab to display a list of call treatment rules, along with the specific circumstance, class, and ruleset version they apply to.
The landing page displays only the call treatment that are rules applicable to offering events. Pega Call includes several call treatment rules that you can use as starting points. The rules are named for the CTI events that trigger processing. Modify the offering call treatment rules.To review or modify configuration details associated with a particular call treatment, click Details for the rule.
To modify the rule, copy it to your application ruleset and then modify it to suit your needs.
You can circumstance the offering rule to vary call treatment based on a property (for example, pyCallType). A circumstanced rule is included for consultation and transferred calls (pyCallType=CONSULT).
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