Importing the java libraries required to connect to your CTI platform
Obtain the required third-party libraries:
To connect to the Genesys TServer, Pega Call CTI Link Engine requires the Genesys Platform SDK.
Pega Platform supports Genesys Platform SDK version 8.x and 9.0. Obtain the platform SDK that is compatible with your T-server version. For more information see the documentation available on Genesys website
Once you have installed the SDK, copy the following files:
- commons.jar
- configurationprotocol.jar
- connection.jar
- kvlists.jar
- protocol.jar
- system.jar
- voiceprotocol.jar
- netty-x.x.x.Final.jar (required for Genesys SDK version 8.x or later)
Copy the files to the Pega Platform node where you want to install the Pega Call CTI Link Engine.
In the header of Dev Studio, click
.Choose the Java archives (.jar files) that you copied and import them into the customer codeset (which is the default) one at a time, following Pega Platform prompts.
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