Adding validations to identifiers
Ensure that identifier fields contain correct data by adding validation to the data that users enter, for example, passport numbers.
In the Dev Studio Explorer panel, click App. In the search field, enter the name of the class of the identifier for which you want to add validation. For example, PegaPS-Data-Identifier-Passport.
Right-click the class and create a property for the information that you want to validate, for example, PassportNumber.
For more information about creating properties, see Properties - Completing the Create, Save As, or Specialization form.
In the Advanced tab of the new property, fill the Validation section.
For more information about validation fields, see Property form - Completing the Advanced tab.
In the Dev Studio Explorer panel, click .
Right-click the IDNumber property that the section contains and then click Delete.
Drag and drop the new property into the section and save the section.
Enable retrieval of the new property from the database by performing the following actions:
In the current class, create a data transform rule. Use the pySetFieldDefaults data transform rule in the PegaPS-Data-Identifier-SSN class as a model.
On the Definition tab, click Add a row.
In the Target column, enter the new property.
In the Source column, enter IDNumber.
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