A histogram displays a numerical property which produced meaningful analysis information during modeled analysis execution.
The following information is available in a histogram:
- Performance - The predictive power of this criterion.
- The grouping of the analyzed data, displayed as individual columns of the histogram. Ranges for the groupings are displayed as labels on the horizontal axis.
- The percentage of the overall population within the group, represented by the height of each column. Percentage values are displayed as labels on the left vertical axis.
- The propensity of individual groups, represented by the red performance line. Propensity is the ratio of the number of positive responses to the total number of responses. The propensity values are displayed as labels on the right vertical axis.
Click on a column to select or deselect groupings. You can select multiple groupings for the criterion. The system selects the column with the highest propensity by default.
Pega Customer Decision Hub uses the range values associated with each group to compose queries against the customer source. It treats the left edge of a range as greater than or equal to (>=) and the right edge as less than (<) in its queries.
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