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Triggering a real-time container with the Container REST service

Updated on August 4, 2022

The Container service is available to make a Next-Best-Action decision in inbound, real-time channels such as web self-service, call center and mobile applications. The Container REST API supports both the POST and GET HTTP methods. The Container service provides a layer of abstraction between the calling channel and the specific decision logic that is executed so a user can easily change the content delivered to the channel without changing the interface or parameters in the API.

Pega Customer Decision Hub
Note: This service supports both Pega and third-party identity matching for the Web and Mobile channels.

The URL pattern for this service is:


POST Service Request

For the POST request, the service expects a JSON Object with the following attributes:

SubjectIDOptional for the Web and Mobile channelsThe identifier for the specified context.
ContextNameRequiredThe singular friendly name of the context entity that indicates the type for SubjectID.
ExternalIDOptionalWhen using third-party identity management, this represents the identifier for the user.
ContainerNameRequiredName of the Container or Containers to trigger. Can be a single value or a comma-separated list of Containers, for example, NextBestAction, BestOffer.
ChannelRequiredChannel calling the container, where the results will be rendered.
DirectionRequiredDirection of communication (Inbound or Outbound)
PlacementsOptionalComma-delimited list of placement types (for example, Tile, Hero) that will limit the number of treatments returned to the top treatments that match the specified placement types.
ContextsOptionalSituation data from channel such as customer mood, current web page.

Contexts attributes

KeyIdentifier for context info.
TypeType of context data.
ValueValue for the specified key.

A sample request JSON Object is shown below:

{"SubjectID":"AID-100","ContextName":"Account","ContainerName": "NextBestAction","Channel": "Web","Direction": "Inbound","Placements":"Hero,Tile,Tile,Tile","Contexts":[{"Type":"","Value":"","Key":""}]}

GET Service Request

For the GET request, the service expects a JSON Object with the following attributes:

SubjectIDOptional for the Web and Mobile channelsThe identifier for the specified context.
ContextNameRequiredThe singular friendly name of the context entity that indicates the type for SubjectID.
ContainerNameRequiredName of the Container to trigger.
ChannelRequiredChannel calling the container, where the results will be rendered
DirectionRequiredDirection of communication (Inbound or Outbound).
PlacementsOptionalComma-delimited list of placement types (for example, Tile, Hero) that will limit the number of treatments returned to the top treatments that match the specified placement types.
ContextKeyOptionalSituation data from channel such as customer mood, current web page.
ContextValueOptionalSituational data value.

A sample GET URL is shown below:


Service Response

For the response, the service returns a JSON Object with the following attributes:

StatusOK for successful result.
ContainerNameName of the container.
RankedResultsAn array containing one or more actions returned by Strategy execution.

RankedResults attributes for each action:

NameName of the action.
IssueIssue to which the action belongs.

Decision results identifier for the Container call. Decision results are stored in a Cassandra datastore (pxDecisionResults) as part of the Adaptive Analytics delayed learning feature. The InteractionID is required during the CaptureResponse process to match the response to the original decision result, so that adaptive models can learn from the interaction.

RankAction rank based on Strategy configuration.
SubjectIDThe identifier for the specified context.
ContextNameThe singular friendly name of the context entity that indicates the type for SubjectID.
SubjectNameBusiness-friendly name for the SubjectID (value set in TransformSROutput data transform).
CategoryCategory to which the action belongs.
CustomerCostCost of this product/service to the customer.
ContentFormatType of content in ImageURL (HTML fragment/Image).
LabelBusiness friendly description of the action.
BenefitsBenefits to the customer.
WhyRelevantWhy this action is relevant for the customer.
DirectionDirection in which the interaction was initiated, Inbound or Outbound.
ShortDescriptionShort description of the action.
GroupIDIdentifier for the SubjectID's parent entity.
PaidAudienceNameName of the paid audience.
IdentifierUnique identifier for the action.
PlacementType of treatment.
PricingDescription of the pricing.
JourneyName of the associated customer journey.
JourneyStageName of the associated customer journey stage.
JourneyStepName of the associated customer journey step.
EligibilityDescription Criteria for customers to be eligible for this action.
PropensityAction propensity value.
AgentCompensationAgent compensation amount if customer accepts action.
ClassIdentifierInternal class for the action results.
Priority Action priority based on Strategy configuration.
ChannelChannel the interaction occurred on.
BundleNameName of the action bundle.
ImageURLURL to the associated action image.
BundleParentIndicates if this action is a bundle parent.
VariantVariation of the action (for example, 64gb, 128gb, 256gb).
TreatmentThe name of the action treatment.
InternalCostThe internal company cost of the action.
CampaignIDWork ID of the active Campaign associated with this Container.
OfferValueThe value the customer receives from this action.

URL to invoke the CaptureWebClickThrough API. The encrypted parameter in this URL contains the actual click-through URL specified as part of the action’s details. Typically, this leads to a link or file that provides more details about the action.

DecisionTimeThe time of the decision.

A sample response from the invocation of this service is shown below:

{"Status": "OK","ContainerList": [{"Status": "OK","ContainerName": "UPlusBankWSS","RankedResults": [{"Group": "CreditCards","Issue": "Sales","InteractionID": "-5826878382873476460","Category": "","SubjectName": "14","CustomerCost": 0.0,"ContentFormat": "Image","Label": "Signup for Platinum Rewards Card","Benefits": "The Platinum Card …","WhyRelevant": "U+ Financial Personal Card...","Direction": "Inbound","Name": "PlatinumRewardsCard","ShortDescription": "Great benefits with access to a higher credit line","GroupID": "","PaidAudienceName": "","Identifier": "/Sales/CreditCards/PlatinumRewardsCard","Placement": "Tile","Pricing": "INTEREST ...","JourneyStage": "","JourneyStep": "","EligibilityDescription": "Offer only available to U.S. residents 18 and older.","Propensity": 0.008158007388236195,"AgentCompensation": 4,"ClassIdentifier": "Offer","Priority": 0.05588235060941794,"Channel": "Web","BundleName": "","ImageURL": "http://host:port/image.jpg","Rank": 7,"BundleParent": "false","Variant": "","Treatment": "Plat__Card_Tile_02","InternalCost": 0,"CampaignID": "NBA","OfferValue": 0,"ClickThroughURL": "","SubjectID": "14","Journey": "","DecisionTime": "20200805T164224.957 GMT","ContextName": "Customer"}]}]}

Identity Management

The Web and Mobile channels support using identity matching to uniquely identify and track anonymous users when making Next-Best-Action decisions. The Container service supports using Pega's identity matching, or a third-party identity solution, depending on your requirements.

Identity matching has the following stages:

  1. Check if identity matching is enabled.
  2. Check if the SubjectID is provided.
  3. Check if the ExternalID is provided.
  4. Check if MKTLoadCustomerFromIdentityMatch is enabled.
  5. Look up SubjectID from ExternalID or MKTID.

Pega identity matching

In order to use Pega identity matching, set the MKTLoadCustomerFromIdentityMatch Dynamic System Setting to true. Once enabled, Pega will automatically generate a unique ID and place a MKTID cookie in the users' browser.

The MKTID cookie will contain the unique identifier and all interactions will be captured using this ID. If the Container service passes the SubjectID (representing identified customer), the Container service will automatically create an association between the MKTID and the SubjectID. This allows Pega to merge the anonymous and identified profiles and behaviors and make a Next-Best-Action decision based on the combined history.

Third-party matching

You can also leverage an existing third-party identity management solution with the Container service. The optional ExternalID parameter of the service is used for the third-party identifier. If only the ExternalID is provided then all interaction history will be captured using this identifier. If the SubjectID and the ExternalID are both provided, an association between these will be created and the SubjectID will be used to capture the interaction history.

  • Previous topic Using real-time container APIs
  • Next topic Making custom Strategy Result properties available for real-time container data flows

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