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Completing the prerequisite tasks

Updated on December 20, 2021

This content applies only to On-premises and Client-managed cloud environments

Pega Customer Decision Hub Installation Guide
Before you begin:
Important: If you plan to implement Pega Customer Decision Hub in a configuration with the Pega Customer Relationship Management suite of applications, the Pega Customer Decision Hub application should be created on a different Pega environment with its own database and application servers separate from the ones used by Pega Customer Service and Pega Sales Automation applications. The Pega Customer Decision Hub application is a back-end analytical application with a typically smaller number of active users compared to the operational Pega Customer Service and Pega Sales Automation applications. Keeping the operational and analytical clusters separate helps ensure easier maintenance and decreases upgrade complexity.
  1. Ensure that you can stop and start the application server.
  2. In your external database, create the schema where your customer data resides, for example, ExternalMKTData, and ensure that the Pega Deployment User has full permissions for this schema.
  3. Before starting an installation, and before backing up your system, review the database policies and application permissions that are used by your Pega Platform installation. Determine whether the application is permitted to update the database automatically or if you must generate the database scripts that your organization will use to manually make schema changes.
  4. Install the latest version of Pega Platform 8.6, and ensure that you can log in as an administrator. For more information, see the Pega Platform Install Guide for your environment on the Deploy Pega Platform page.
    Important: Future versions of Pega Platform will no longer support deployment on embedded Cassandra. In version 8.6, this deployment option still works, but is considered deprecated and is not supported by Pega. To ensure future compatibility and support from Pega, do not create any new installations using embedded Cassandra.
    Note: During the Pega Platform installation process, do the following tasks:
    1. If you are setting up a single-node environment, set the node type to Universal. For more information, see Node types.
    2. If Pega Platform will be running on a Windows 10 machine, install Jansi for Windows to ensure that Decisioning nodes start correctly.

      If you cannot install Jansi on your machine, you can disable the requirement by editing the $catalina_home/bin/setenv.bat file and adding the following JVM argument: -DskipJansi=true. However, disabling Jansi will limit the scope of the decisioning node logs.

    3. Specify the schema where your customer data resides (CUSTOMERDATA).
      • If you use the Installation and Upgrade Assistant, specify the schema on the Database Connection page.
      • If you use the install script, include the –customerDataSchema command line option.
      The installer then creates the address, contact, and organization tables in the customer data schema. The tables created by the installer have the prefix P_.
    Note: If you are installing on a UTF-8 encoded database, see Issue: "Error: Commit failed" when loading CPM 6.1 RuleSets into a UTF-8 encoded database.
  5. If the ExternalMKTData DADN is configured to use Configuration preferences, in Pega Platform, create the following Dynamic System Settings to specify the default schema used by the ExternalMKTData database rule:
    Owning rulesetSetting purposeValue
    Pega-Engineprconfig/database/databases/ExternalMKTData/defaultSchema/defaultname of the schema where the customer data resides
  6. Restart Pega Platform to enable the setting.
  7. Before you install Pega Customer Decision Hub, ensure that you have the following database information available:
    • Such database connection information as:
      • Hostname or IP address
      • Database port
      • Database name
    • JDBC driver JAR file for your database type
    • PegaRULES schema name
    • If using split schema, PegaDATA schema name
    • Ensure that the Pega Customer Decision Hub external schema meets the following requirements:
      • This is the schema that contains your customer data repository and other marketing assets.
      • This schema must exist in the same database as the PegaDATA and PegaRULES schemas.
      • This schema must have the database privileges to create views and to select from tables in the PegaDATA schema.
    • Ensure that the Pega Customer Decision Hub external user and password meet the following requirements:
      • This user must already exist.
      • This is the user that Pega Platform uses to connect to the Pega Customer Decision Hub external schema.
      • This user must have full privileges to the Pega Customer Decision Hub external schema.
      • This user must have the database privileges to create views and to select from tables in the PegaDATA schema.
    • Ensure that the Pega Deployment user and password meet the following requirements:
      • This user must already exist.
      • This user must have permissions to create and modify objects in all Pega schemas.
      • If using Oracle, this user must have permission to create materialized views.
    • Ensure that the user associated with PegaDATA DB rule meets the following requirements:
      • This user must be set in application server configuration.
        • For Tomcat, this would typically be in the context.xml file.
      • The user that is mapped to the PegaDATA DB rule must already exist.
      • This user must have the following privileges on the PegaDATA schema:
        • Select, Create, and Drop on tables, indexes, and views
        • Insert, Update, and Delete on tables
        • Alter on tables and indexes
    • Ensure that the user associated with PegaRULES DB rule meets the following requirements:
      • This user must be set in application server configuration.
        • For Tomcat, this would typically be in the context.xml file.
      • The user that is mapped to the PegaRULES DB rule must already exist.
      • This user must have the following privileges on the PegaRULES schema:
        • Select, Create, and Drop on tables, indexes, and views
        • Insert, Update, and Delete on tables
        • Alter on tables and indexes
      • This user can be the same as the PegaDATA user, provided the user has permissions to both schemas.
  8. For IBM Db2 databases, if you use JDBC URL to connect to your external database, add the following parameters to the template URL and the prweb.xml file where the Pega DB connections are defined:
    • resultSetHoldability=1;
    • resultSetHoldabilityForCatalogQueries=1;
    • allowNextOnExhaustedResultSet=1;
    See below for an example of the syntax. The database in the example is set to MYDB and the marketing external schema is set to MKTDATA.

    The setting values also apply to the PegaDATA and PegaRULES connections created by Pega Platform.

  9. Request the required hotfixes. The list of required hotfixes can be found here: Required Pega Customer Decision Hub and Pega Marketing hotfixes and here Required Pega 1:1 Operations Manager hotfixes.

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