Creating a customer journey
Customer journeys provide a way to organize your creative content around a specific outcome and to influence next-best-action decisions to determine the best action across multiple customer journeys.
Pega Customer Decision Hub
- Log in as an operator who can access the Pega Customer Decision Hub.
- Click .
- Click Edit, and then click the Customer journeys tab.
- Click Add customer journey.
- In the Add customer journey section, complete the following
- Name
- Enter a name that is descriptive and easily identifiable (for example, Acquire a new customer). After you add the name, the system generates the Customer journey identifier.
- Description
- Describe the purpose of the journey and what outcomes you want to drive.
- Issue/Group
- If you want to include actions from more than one issue and group in your journey, select All Issues. Otherwise, select a specific Issue/Group.
- Click Submit.
- To edit the whole journey, click the More icon next to + Add stage and choose Edit journey.
- In the More menu next to the journey stage, define the stages that
make up the customer journey. The Complete stage is mandatory for every customer journey and is automatically added. However, you can change the name of the Complete stage. The Complete stage indicates that a customer has finished their journey, for example, by purchasing goods or a service. There is no limit on the number of stages that a journey can have.
- To add a new journey stage click + Add stage.
- To remove a journey stage, click the More icon next to the journey stage, and then select Delete stage.
- To change name of the stage, click the More icon next to the journey stage, and then select Edit stage name.
- To change the position of stages within the journey, drag and drop them.
- Click Save.
- Optional: To schedule your journey availability and make it active or inactive, click the
More icon next to + Add stage and then
select Edit journey.This functionality allows you to plan and create your journey ahead of time, without immediately activating the customer journey. You can also make the journey inactive and start the same journey later on, without losing your work.
- To have the customer journey functioning immediately, click Always.
- To make the customer journey inactive, click Never.
- To schedule a defined time period in which the journey should be active, click Within a defined time period and select the required start date by clicking the Calendar icon.
The availability of customer journeys is indicated by the ACTIVE or INACTIVE tile next to the journey name.
Previous topic Using customer journeys to influence next-best-actions Next topic Specifying entry criteria for customer journey stages