Creating questions with single answers
With the variety of formats available, you can create and save questions with single answers or multiple answers. Adding the questions to questionnaires, or grouping similar questions together on question pages, which you can then include in questionnaires, saves you time and effort. When you create questions, you configure the format for the question type, answer presentation, and answer settings.
You can edit questions, but you should be aware that the changes you make are inherited by all existing question pages and questionnaires.
For information about creating questions with multiple answers, see Creating questions with multiple answers.
For healthcare examples of questions with single answers, see Questionnaire questions.
- To access the authoring portal for questionnaires, in the left pane of the
Business Analyst portal, click Questionnaires.You can use the portal to create new questionnaires, question pages, and questions, as well as edit and remove them.
- On the Questionnaire management page, click the Questions tab.
- Click .
- In the drop-down list, select a question type.
- In the Create new question page, on the
Form tab, in the Name field,
enter a name to identify your question.
The following figure shows the Form tab for creating a Long answers/comment question:
- In the Category drop-down list, select an option that is
related to the purpose of the question.
- Optional: To change the type of your question, in the Question type list, select a different option.
- Based on the format of your question, in the Question field, select plain text or rich text by clicking the Rich text editor toggle switch, and then enter the question in the box.
- For drop-down, radio buttons, and slider question types, define the available
Choices Actions - Dropdown
- Radio buttons
Specify the items that appear in the drop-down list or the labels for radio buttons: - In the Picklist options section, in the Display value field, enter the text that you want to display in the drop-down list or as labels for the radio buttons.
- For each item that you want to display, repeat substep 9.a.
Slider Set the values for the slider question type. For example, you might want the slider to begin with 1 and end with 10. Each interval might be marked by 1 and the default value might be 5. - In the Starting range field, enter a beginning value for your slider question type.
- In the Ending range field, enter the final value for the slider question type.
- In the Interval field, enter a value.
- In the Default value field, enter a value.
- Click Save.
- Specify the presentation of the answers by clicking the Display tab.
- Present supporting information to the patient so that they can answer the
questions more quickly by selecting the Include supporting
document check box.You can upload a file or provide a URL to link to the document.
- Based on your question type, define the presentation settings, default text,
and visibility of your answers:
Choices Actions - Text box
- Long answer/comment
Specify the presentation of the answers and default text in the questionnaire: - In the Answer presentation settings section, in the Answer layout list, select an option to specify how you want to display the answers.
- In the Default text to be presented field, enter text that will be available to the user in the questionnaire.
- Date
- Date time
- Check box
- File upload
- Info text
- Slider
In the Answer presentation settings section, in the Answer layout list, select the option to specify how you want to display the answers. Dropdown Specify the presentation and visibility of the answers: - In the Answer presentation settings section, in the Answer layout drop-down list, select an option to specify how you want to display the answers.
- In the Picklist options section, for each answer, specify the visibility of the answer.
- If you select Existing condition, select a condition.
- If you select Custom condition,
enter the name of the condition rule that you are
configuring in the field, click the Click to
configure conditions icon, and in the
Conditions dialog box, select
options that determine your condition. For information about configuring the fields in this dialog box, see Condition builder.
- Click OK.
Radio buttons Specify the presentation of answers and the visibility of the radio button text: - In the Answer presentation settings section, in the Answer layout drop-down list, select an option to specify how you want to display the answers.
- In the Display of radio buttons list, select an option to specify how you want to display the radio buttons.
- In the Number of items before wrap field, enter a value to specify the number of items that are displayed on one line before the items move to the next line.
- Select the Hide clear selection check box to hide the selection.
- In the Picklist options section, for each answer, select an option to specify when you want the answer to be visible.
- If you select Existing condition, select a condition.
- If you select Custom condition,
enter the name of the condition rule that you are
configuring in the field, click the Click to
configure conditions icon, and in the
Conditions dialog box, select
options that specify your condition. For information about configuring the fields in this dialog box, see Condition builder.
- Click Save.
- Click the Logic tab to determine an action such as task or goal that is related to a specified answer, or dynamically generate another question based on the answer to the question.
- In the Answer settings section, select the Save answer to property check box to save the answer to a property so that it can be used in validations, processing, or to associate the answer with an action.
- In the Property name drop-down list, select a property to specify where to save the answer.
- Specify the answer validation by completing the steps in the following
Choices Actions - Text box
- Date
- Date time
- Long answer/comment
- File upload
- Info text
- Slider
Specify validation for your answers in your question type: - In the Answer validation section, in the Validation type drop-down list, select a validation option.
- If you select Existing, in the Existing validation name drop-down list, select a validation name.
- If you select Custom, enter the name
of the validation rule that you are configuring in the
field, click the Click to configure validations
icon, and in the Validate fields
based on these conditions dialog box, select
options that determine your condition. For information about validating the fields, see Validating answers in a questionnaire.
Check box Set a score value for the selection of the check box and validate the answer: - Based on the patient's selection of the check box, in the
Score field, enter a value. For example, entering 10 that means if the patient checks the box, they receive 10 points on the questionnaire. If they do not select the check box, they get 0 points.
- In the Answer validation section, in the Validation type drop-down list, select an option to specify the validation type for the answer.
- If you select Existing in the Validation type drop-down list, in the Existing validation name drop-down list, select a validation rule name.
- If you select Custom in the
Validation type drop-down list,
enter the name of the validation rule that you are
configuring in the field, click the Click to
configure validations icon, and in the
Validate fields based on these
conditions dialog box, select options that
determine the validation. For information about validating the fields, see Validating answers in a questionnaire.
- Click OK.
- Dropdown
- Radio button
Configure actions for your selectable items, assign action tasks, score answers, and validate answers: - In the Answer settings section, below each display value that you configured, click the Add action icon.
- In the Actions drop-down list, select an action, such as a task.
- In the Element Name drop-down list, select a element name, such as Health Risk Assessment.
- In the Assign to drop-down list, to
assign the action for this task, select an option.In this example, based on a specified answer, a task of conducting a health assessment with the patient is assigned to a care manager.
- In the Score field, enter a value
for the answer. For example, one answer is assigned a score of 10 points, another answer is assigned a score of 35 points, and so on.
- Repeat steps 18.a through 18.e for each action that you are associating with an answer.
- In the Answer validation section, in the Validation type drop-down list, select an option to set the validation type for your answer.
- If you select Existing, in the Existing validation name drop-down list, select a validation name.
- If you select Custom, enter the name
of the validation rule that you are configuring in the
field, click the Click to configure validations
icon, and in the Validate fields
based on these conditions dialog box, select
options that determine the validation. For information about validating the fields, see Validating answers in a questionnaire.
- Click Save, and then close the Create new question window.
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