Formatting a picklist in a questionnaire
Format a picklist in a questionnaire to define the choices that users can select to answer a question. With a picklist, users can select only one answer to a question. For example, you can ask users about their rating of customer service in your company, and then provide a choice of answers that range from excellent to poor.
- Navigate to the questionnaire:
Choices Actions Open the questionnaire in App Studio - In the navigation pane of App Studio, click Case types.
- In the list of case types, open a case type of the Questionnaire type that you want to edit.
Open the questionnaire in Dev Studio - In the header of Dev Studio, click .
- Click the questionnaire that you want to edit.
- If you have multiple questions on the question page, click the question that you want to edit.
- In the list of question types, select Picklist.
- In the Question settings pane, in the Map answer to
field list, select a field of the picklist type:
Choices Actions Reuse an existing field In the list of fields, select the field that you want to use. Create a new field - In the list of fields, click Create new.
- In the Add field dialog box, in the Field name field, enter a name for the field in a data model.
- In the dialog box, in the Display as list, define a
display mode for the picklist.You can display a picklist as a drop-down list or a list of radio buttons.
- In the Picklist options, define choices for the
picklist.You can create your own local choices or source them from a data page.
- Click Submit.
- Click Save.
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