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On-premises only: Running the static assembler from the command line

Updated on July 8, 2022

Run the static assembler utility from a command line to optimize your application performance from hardware resources outside of your system cluster. As an alternative to running the static assembler utility from Dev Studio, if you are an on-premises client you can run the utility outside of your system cluster and avoid putting any additional strains on your Pega application computing resources.

Before you begin: To run the utility from a command line using hardware resources outside of your system cluster, ensure that:
  • You have the Pega-Landing.pxStaticAssemblyControl privilege.
  • The system on which you run the utility can securely access both your Pega application and the Pega database.
  • You download the utility from your Pega software distribution to your system. The utility is located in an archive at the following filepath: $PEGA_KIT/scripts/utils/
The command line static assembler utility can take several hours to run, depending on such factors as:
  • The number of unique rules in your application.
  • Whether this is the first time you run the static assembler.
  • The number of new rules in your application cache since you last ran the static assembler.
  1. Log into your local system with secure access to both your Pega application and the Pega database.
  2. Extract the file to a folder.
  3. In the ~/staticAssembler/staticAssemblerResources/Config/setupDatabase directory, edit the file to define the connection to your database.
  4. Specify the following variables that are specific to your database vendor:
    pega.jdbc.driver.jarThe full path to the JDBC driver JAR file.
    pega.jdbc.driver.classThe Java class name of the JDBC driver.
    pega.database.typeSelect the database vendor from the list of supported vendors.
    pega.jdbc.urlThe URL connection for your database. Refer to the examples in the file.
    pega.jdbc.username The user name that is allowed to connect to the database.
    pega.jdbc.passwordThe password for the user name that is allowed to connect to the database.
    rules.schema.nameThe schema name where rule tables reside.
    data.schema.nameApplicable to split-schema installations. Refers to the schema name where data and work tables are located. If not specified, the value given for is considered.
    udb.schema.nameThe UDB data base type used to specify the name of the schema used by the application database. (In most cases, leave blank to accept the default value pega.jdbc.username.)
  5. Save the file.
  6. In the staticAssembler/staticAssemblerResources/config/prstaticassembly directory, edit the file to define properties specific to your application.
  7. Specify the following properties appropriate to your Pega application:
    PropertyDescription the full path to the prweb directory of your environment.

    Example for Windows: D:\\tomcat6\\apache-tomcat-6.0.20\\webapps\\prweb

    Example for Linux: /opt/tomcat/webapps/prweb
    pega.database.configEnter the absolute location of the file that you edited in step 3.
    ANT_HOMESpecify the location of the Apache Ant directory on the server.
    application.nameEnter the name of the application that serves as the starting point of the assembly process. Rules that belong to any built-on applications are also assembled.
    application.versionEnter the version number of the application.
    accessgroupEnter the access group that provides access to the application version.
    path.prdeployEnter a full path to the prdeploy JAR file in the distribution image.
    path.antcontribEnter a full path to the antcontrib JAR file in the distribution image.
  8. Save the file.
  9. Run the appropriate staticAssmbler/smartStaticAssembly.bat (or .sh) script to start the static assembler process.
    The utility analyzes the rules in your application and in the built-on application or applications, assembles any rules that have not yet been assembled, and notifies the application cluster about which rules it has reassembled.
  10. When the assembly process is complete, you can view the result log in the staticAssmbler/staticAssemblerResources/logs/ directory.
What to do next: If this is an FUA, nothing more is required at this time. To investigate and diagnose any rule assembly issues you encounter in your application, see the diagnosing suggestions section in Preassembling rules in an application.

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