Grouping offerings into action bundles
In typical marketing scenarios, it is often desirable to group offerings into bundles. There may be varied reasons for doing so, such as incentives, logistics, etc. To address this marketing need, the system provides support for grouping actions into bundles.
- Action Rules
Actions in an action bundle can be categorized into the following two rules:
- Action Bundle Types
The system supports three modes of outbound action bundling. These modes are henceforth referred to as bundle types.
- Marking an action as being part of a bundle
There are two ways to specify the action bundle settings for an action.
- Designing Flows for Bundles
When designing flows for bundled items, the user must take into consideration the role of the action. For the parent action, the flow can also be tailored differently based on the bundle type.
- Bundled email treatments
When you design Email Treatments for bundles, consider the type of bundle. A typical Email Treatment for an action bundle includes an overall description of the bundle and details for each of its members. Additionally, based on the bundle type, response links can be provided at either or both the bundle and member level.
- Best practices for bundling for Insurance
Insurance bundling is a common practice within the insurance industry. This document provides guidance and best practices for how to implement bundling for insurance actions while using the Next-Best-Action Designer Template for Insurance.
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