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Standard Management Reports

Updated on September 20, 2019



Process Commander provides standard management reports (called Monitor Activity reports before V 6.1). The reports help business managers monitor and analyze business processes or activities automated as PRPC applications. Developers and business managers access theres reports differently in different versions of PRPC, as described below.

Unless otherwise noted, standard reports display information for only a single application, as list or summary reports.

List reports display detailed information about each work item that is requested. For example, the following list report gives information about a user's work items:

list-type report

Summary reports reports show, on each row of the report, counts, totals, averages, or other data summarized from multiple cases or work items. For example, a user may ask for a summary of cases by the operator or user who entered them, based on whether they were resolved in a timely manner, and see a report like the one below.

chart for report

Summary reports may include a chart to better convey the significance of the report's data.

Standard management reports appear by default in the Report Browser. They belong to one of these categories:

  • Monitor Assignments -- These reports display information about assignments for open (unresolved) work items in an application. They support ongoing monitoring of work from the perspective of who the work is assigned to
  • Analyze Performance -- These reports display information about resolved work items in an application at the level of individual steps, or flow actions, within business processes. They support analyses of completed work to determine whether business processes were efficiently and effectively performed, as a basis for improving business processes.
  • Analyze Quality -- These reports display information about resolved work items in an application. They support analyses of completed work to determine whether business processes were efficiently and effectively performed, as a basis for improving business processes.
  • Monitor Processes -- These reports display information about assignments for open (unresolved) work items in an application. They support ongoing monitoring of work from the perspective of the work being performed.

Custom reports developed to address particular project or application needs can also belong to these standard categories.

For more details about the standard management reports, see Standard Management reports in V 6.3.

Prior to V 6.1, management reports were known as Monitor Activity Reports. To read more about them in versions of PRPC previous to V 6.1, see:

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How to access standard management reports (V6.2 and newer)

Standard management reports are available in the Report Browser. The standard report categories appear in the left panel (see Using the Report Browser, Report Viewer, and Report Editor (V6.2 SP2)).

To access the Report Browser:

  • In the Case Manager portal, select the Report Browser tab: tabs in case manager portal
  • In the Designer Studio, select pega button> Reporting > Access > Report Browser

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How to access standard management reports (V6.1)

In PRPC v6 prior to SP2, standard management reports are not automatically visible in the Report Browser. See below for instructions on how to add them.

Once the standard management reports have been added to the Report Browser, the standard report categories appear in the left panel (see Using the Report Browser to organize and manage reports).

To access the Report Browser in the Manager Portal, select Monitor Activity in the sidebar. The Report Browser opens on the right.

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How to access standard management reports (V5)

To access standard reports in PRPC V5:

  • In the Developer Portal, select Application > Browse Reports.
  • In the WorkManager Portal, Select Monitory Activity on the sidebar. The Monitor Activity workspace opens to the right.

Report categories appear, displaying links to the most commonly used reports in each category. A chart icon ( graph ) indicates that the data appears in a chart as well as in tabular form:
monitor activity workspace

For developers, three additional categories appear. The Rule Reports category includes reports on the contents of RuleSets. The System category and Data category are empty.

To view more standard reporting options, click magnifying glass in any category to browse the category and display standard rule reports – summaries and lists (below, standard rule reports for the Monitor Processes category).
Monitor processes category

Note: From V5.5 the composite Manager portal is recommended, rather than WorkManager. See the section "How to add standard management reports to the Report Browser (V6)" to learn how to add standard reports to the Report Browser in the Manager portal. See also About composite portals.
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How to add standard management reports to the Report Browser (V6)

In PRPC v6 prior to SP2, standard management reports are not automatically visible in the Report Browser. . However, the Add Reports to Browser tool makes the available by creating categories and shortcuts for the reports you select.

You can also use the Add Reports to Browser tool to load application-specific reports and categories from a previous version of PRPC into the Report Browser.

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Prepare
  2. Enter activity parameters
  3. Review results
  4. Repeat as needed

1. Prepare

Obtain the following information:

  • Identify the Application Name and Version key parts of the application rule that includes the RuleSet versions in which the report rules belong. This identifies the source application. For standard management reports in PRPC base rules, the application rule name is PegaRULES and the version is 06.01.ZZ.
  • Make a list of the report categories to which the reports belong.
    • For list view rules, this information is in the Category field on the Display Fields tab.
    • For summary view rules, this information is in the Category field on the Contents tab.
    • For Report Definition rules, this information is in the category field on the Design tab.

      (If this field is blank, update the rule to assign it to a category. You can't add a report with no category to the Report Browser.
  • Identify the Application Name and Version key parts of the application rule that users of the Manager portal will access. This is the target application; it may be the same as the source application, or may be an application built, directly or indirectly, upon the source application.

Note: To run this activity, you must be able to execute rules in both the source application (the application that contains the reports you are adding to the Report Browser) and the target application (the application where managers will use the reports).

2. Enter activity parameters

Select pega button> Application > Tools > Add Reports to Browser menu option to start the standard activity Rule-Obj-Report-.pzCreateCategoryAndShortcut.

Complete the form, providing parameters as indicated below, then click Submit. Results appear in a new window.


Application name

Identify the first key part (Application Name) of the source application that includes the list view and summary view rules to be added. For rules defined in Process Commander (standard rules), accept the default value PegaRULES.

Every list view and summary view rule is associated with a RuleSet, that in turn appears in the General tab of an application rule. Identify that application rule here. (If this application is built upon a second application, and that second application also contains list view or summary view rules that you want to make available, execute the activity for the second application also.)

Application Version

The second key part (Version) of the application rule. For standard management report rules defined in PRPC, enter 06.01.ZZ.


Identify one of the standard management report categories in the source application version. Your application may have defined additional categories:

Three additional V5 categories, System, Data, and Rule, are typically not made available to application users.

Note: Don't confuse these report categories with Manager portal categories. Report categories are defined by field value rules with Rule-Obj-Report- as the first key part and pyCategory as the second key part.


Optional. Enter an Operator ID to cause the activity to create shortcuts only for reports with the specified owner. These shortcuts are placed in a category of the Personal type.

If blank, the activity creates shortcuts only for reports whose Owner is ALL, and these shortcuts are placed in a category of the Standard type.

New Application Name

Optional. Enter the first key part (Application Name) of the target application into which to place the shortcuts.

New Application Version

Optional. Enter the second key part (Version) of the target application.

3. Review results

The activity presents a summary of its operations in a pop-up window.

This activity creates Report Shortcut data instances for each report in one selected report category appear in the Report Browser for a specific application, and also adds shortcuts to these report rules. Processing depends on the Owner field — the final key part of the V5 report rule:

  • If the Owner field has the value ALL, the activity creates the shortcut and a category of the Standard type. This category and shortcut are available to all users of this Report Browser.
  • If the Owner field has a value corresponding to an Operator, the activity creates a the shortcut and a category of the Personal type. This shortcut is initially visible only in the Report Browser when accessed by that operator.

By interacting with the Report Browsers, managers can rename categories and shortcuts, remove categories and shortcuts, and share report shortcuts with other managers.

If a report requires parameters, you can access the Report Shortcut data instances (using the Class Explorer in the Designer Studio). Complete the Report Parameters tab to supply parameter values.

This activity creates instances of the Data-Report-Shortcut class and Data-Report-Category that together define the contents of a report browser. To include them in a ZIP archive, you can reference these instances (identified by pzInskey) in a product rule, in the Individual Instances to Include array on the Contents tab.

4. Repeat as required

Execute the activity for each category that contains one or more reports that you want to make accessible from the Report Browser.

If multiple versions of the application rule are in use, run the activity for each version.

The activity results are saved in a data instance, not in a rule, that is specific to a single system. This means that you must repeat the activity processing in each system, for example development and production.

Because the activity does not create duplicate categories or report shortcuts, you can run it multiple times for the same category, if additional list view or summary view rules are created.

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