Enabling learning from own-channel models for the Paid channel
You can enable surrogate adaptive models for paid media while the Paid-specific models mature.
As with any new channel, when you implement Paid Media Manager for the first time, the Paid-specific adaptive models are not yet mature enough to drive next best actions. If you already have mature adaptive models for other engagement channels, for example, Web, you can use them to inform the paid channels while the paid models mature.
To enable the surrogate adaptive model for the Paid channel, perform the following steps:
- Log in to Pega Customer Decision Hub as an operator with access to Dev Studio.
- In Dev Studio, in the left navigation pane, click .
- Find and open the BusinessControlSettings DDR that is in your implementation ruleset.
- Click Check out.
- Click New.
- Enter the following information:
- Name - Paid Media Surrogate Channel
- Model Name - NBA
- SettingName - PaidMediaLearningChannel
- SettingValue - <Direction>|<Channel>, for example, Inbound|Web
- Click Create.
- Save and check in the changes to the BusinessControlSettings DDR.
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