Top 10 things to remember
Keep the following items in mind as you create your content for Pega Academy.
- Write at a 10th grade (or lower) reading level — for help with this, check out the Hemingway App.
- Choose clear and concise titles. They should be specific enough for the topic to stand alone. For more information about naming your content, see Overview of Pega Academy content structure.
- Use present (not past or future) tense; use the imperative when appropriate — for example, "click SEND," not "you will click the SEND button."
- Avoid adverbs (-ly) whenever possible. If you rely on adverbs to make your point, you can probably use stronger verbs and nouns.
- Use sentence case for headlines, except for the first word and proper terms that require capitalization.
- Use correct tags for terms that stand out (bold, italics, and so on). Consult the article Navigating the Pega Academy text editor if you are unsure about the tagging format.
- Do not write in the first person (“we” or "I"). Instead, refer to the reader as "you" or, less commonly, "the user."
- Do not use contractions — for example, instead of "don't," write "do not."
- Do not use negative construction, particularly for test questions — for example, write "Which of the following statements is correct?" instead of "All of the follow statements are true except..." or "Which of the following statements are not true?"
- Use active voice whenever possible.