Converting data in existing properties to a rich text editor
In Pega Agile Studio, several properties have been updated to make use of the rich text editor. You must use the Pega-provided activity, PegaProjMgmt-Work.UpdateTextAreaToRTE, to convert existing data in these properties to the new format.
Pega Agile Studio
Update Guide
To enable the use of a rich text editor, complete the following steps:
- Log on as an operator with access to Dev Studio.
- Open activity PegaProjMgmt-Work.UpdateTextAreaToRTE.
- Click .
- On the execution modal, leave the default values unchanged, and then click
Run.Verify the following:
- On completion, the Operation completed screen displays.
- The progress can be viewed in the PegaRULES log. Error messages and a final status is displayed in the log. You can view any open sprint containing open stories; the status of all stories will be Open-InProgress. The speed of the process varies, but internal testing showed that the utility converts approximately 1,000 cases per minute. The utility will process all existing bugs and user stories.
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