Creating a dial plan
The Pega Call dial plan is used to modify a telephone number to ensure that it can be dialed by the ACD/PBX. For example, if your PBX requires that the number 9 be dialed to reach an external line before external calls are placed, the dial plan is used to prefix the digit 9 before external telephone numbers. The dial plan is applied to all numbers called through Pega Call, including extensions and external telephone numbers, whether dialed as direct calls or as consult calls (as part of transfer and conference scenarios).
To create a dial plan, write a decision-tree rule that applies to the ChannelServices-Admin-DialPlan class in your own ruleset. The decision-tree modifies the property .pyDialString. A sample rule called Sample is provided in the class.
In a distributed model, the dial plan rule is executed on the local CTI node. Ensure that the CTILinkRequest service package has access to the custom ruleset in which you save your dial plan decision-tree rule.
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