Handling errors
If an error occurs during a CTI toolbar request, such as hold, answer, and make call, an error message is displayed on the user's desktop.
Every error object has the following properties:
- errCode
- A CTI server-specific error code for the received error.
- errMessage
- Ahe brief description of the error.
When an error message is received the error code can be mapped to the message rule you created in the Pega Platform layer so that the error can be localized. Pega Call maps the error code with the translated error message and sends it to the desktop.
If the translation does not exist it just displays the text that you passed in the errMessage property in error object.
The following are the default error messages provided with Pega Call application:
Pega Call default error messages
Error code | Error message |
OPENCTI_AGENT_LOGGED_IN | Agent is logged in from another device. |
OPENCTI_AGENT_NOT_LOGGED_IN | Agent is not logged in from any device. |
OPENCTI_CALL_REJECTED | Call request is rejected. |
OPENCTI_CF_GENERIC_OPERATION | An operation error occurred. |
OPENCTI_CF_INVALID_DESTINATION | The request specified an invalid destination. |
OPENCTI_CF_INVALID_OBJECT_STATE | The object is not in the correct state to serve the request. |
OPENCTI_CONF_ALREADY_PRESENT | Party in request is already in conference. |
OPENCTI_DEST_BUSY | Call attempted to a busy destination. |
OPENCTI_HTTP_ERROR_401 | Authentication failed or not provided, server refused to respond. |
OPENCTI_HTTP_ERROR_404 | Requested resource not found. |
OPENCTI_HTTP_ERROR_405 | Method not supported. |
OPENCTI_HTTP_ERROR_408 | Server timed out. Waiting for request. |
OPENCTI_HTTP_ERROR_500 | Internal Server Error. |
OPENCTI_HTTP_ERROR_502 | Bad Gateway, Gateway received invalid response from the server. |
OPENCTI_HTTP_ERROR_503 | Server out of service. |
OPENCTI_HTTP_ERROR_504 | Gateway timed out. |
OPENCTI_IN_SAME_STATE | Agent is already in the requested state. |
OPENCTI_INV_ACTIVE_STATE | Call is no longer in an active state. |
OPENCTI_INV_AGENT_ID | Agent ID is invalid. |
OPENCTI_INV_AGENT_STATE | Agent is in invalid state for the requested operation. |
OPENCTI_INV_AGENTID_OR_PASSWORD | The request specified has an invalid AgentID and/or invalid agent password. |
OPENCTI_INV_CALL_DN | The device number (DN) in the request is invalid. |
OPENCTI_INV_CALL_STATE | Party in request call state is invalid. |
OPENCTI_INV_DEST_DN | The destination device number (DN) in the request is invalid. |
OPENCTI_INV_DN_TYPE | The device number (DN) type is invalid. |
OPENCTI_INV_LOGIN_REQ | Agent cannot log in at this time. |
OPENCTI_INV_LOGON_DEVICE | The logon device specified in the request is invalid. |
OPENCTI_INV_LOGOUT_REQ | Agent cannot log out at this time. |
OPENCTI_INV_NOTREADY_REQ | Agent cannot change to NotReady state. |
OPENCTI_INV_NUMBER | The requested number is invalid. |
OPENCTI_INV_PASSWORD | Invalid password. |
OPENCTI_INV_READY_REQ | Agent cannot change to Ready state. |
OPENCTI_INV_REASON_CODE | The reason code specified in the request does not exist. |
OPENCTI_LINK_UNAVAILABLE | Link is in Unavailable state. |
OPENCTI_OUTSTANDING_REQ | Similar request still in progress. |
OPENCTI_PARTY_NOT_ON_CALL | The party is not currently on call. |
OPENCTI_REASON_CODE_REQUIRED | The state change requires a valid reason code |
OPENCTI_UNKNOWN_ERROR | Unspecified error in client's request. |
- Create a new JavaScript object of type pega.cti.desktopApi.errorObject.
- Map the error message to the JavaScript object properties.
- Forward the error object created to the failure callback function of the request function.
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