Checking your Pega Care Management access roles for the required privileges
In Pega Care Management version 8.5, security enhancements on a number of rules require new privileges.
The following is the list of new privileges in Pega Care Management version 8.5:
- DeprecatedPCM - This privilege is required to access any of the deprecated activities.
- DownloadMaterial - This privilege is required to download or view educational material that is uploaded from the Business Analyst portal.
The following out-of-the-box roles include the new privileges so that the appropriate users can access these enhanced rules:
- CM:CareManager
- UM:ServiceManager
- PegaCare:CareTriage
- CustomerSupport:PHPIntake
- CM:CareCoordinator
- CM:BusinessAnalyst
- PegaCare:Administrator
- UM:ServiceCoordinator
- UM:MedicalDirector
Verify that the new privileges are incorporated into your security model:
- Review your access groups to determine whether you are using the above roles.
- If you do not use these roles, ensure that your operators can access the rules
that are required to run your application:
- Add the appropriate role to your access groups.
For more information, see Adding a role to an access group.
- If you are using custom roles, add the appropriate new privilege to your
custom roles.
For more information, see Granting privileges to an access role.
- Add the appropriate role to your access groups.
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