Customizing the relationship visualizer
Visualizer uniquely represents the parties and relationships using icons and color coding. The visualizer also allows the users to filter the view based on certain pre-defined criteria like party type, relation types, and the parties themselves.
The visualizer comes preconfigured with default icons, color coding, filters, and data that UI displays. The system provides some extension points that you can use to customize them based on customer needs. If you need to make changes to these extension points, review the following rules.Rule name | Rule type | Usage |
InitRelNetNodesData_Ext | Data transform | Use to customize the information and the UI that each related party presents. |
FindPartyTypeNode_Ext | Data transform | Extend to change the icons that the visualizer displays. |
InitRelNetEdgeAddtionalData_Ext | Data transform | Use to change the direction in which the edges or arrows on the visualizer point. Use also the rule to specify the UI styling on the edges. |
RelNetFilterRelType_Ext | Data transform | Use to add additional options to the role filter. |
RelNetFilterPartyType_Ext | Data transform | Use to add additional options to the party type filter. |
digraph-layout-ext.js | JS file | Define any new actions or UI interpretation in this extension for the .js file for the visualizer graph |
digraph-layout-ext | CSS file | Do not set the new styles for the category in the .css extension file. |
The visualizer can navigate up to the bottom most node of the relationship network and present all the relationships on the UI. By default, the system is configured to navigate and present parties that are only ten level deep from the contracting party. To configure the setting based on the customer's need, perform the following steps.
- In the navigation pane of Dev Studio, click Records.
- Expand the SysAdmin category, and then click Dynamic System Settings.
- In the Dynamic System Settings tab, search for and select RPNewGeneration/maxDepthRelNet.
- In the Settings tab, in the Value field, set a valid integer value that represents the depth the visualizer must look for relations, for example, 5.
- Click Save.
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