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On-demand migration

Updated on June 11, 2021

The main objective of the on-demand migration process is to migrate document metadata from its current storage in the Data-WorkAttach-File class (pc_data_workattach database table) into the new database table to host document metadata or record customers with already migrated document metadata.

New database table to host document metadata

For more information, see "Document metadata table" in the chapter Document and requirements metadata.

New table to record those customers that have already their document metadata migrated

The process avoids double executions of the migration on customers that are already migrated.

The system executes the logic of the migration every time the documents of a customer is requested through one of the following two data pages:

  • D_RNGFetchMetadataDocumentsForCustomer
  • D_RNGDisplayExistingDocumentsForCustomer

In the current version of the application, these are the three invocation points:

Customer 360
While rendering the Documents tab in the Customer 360 view
Synchronization engine
During the assessment of documents for reuse during requirements case creation
Manual selection of documents
When the customer is uploading documents in the Satisfy stage, where they can select from the list of existing documents for that party

Once the migration has been completed for a customer, it is not executed ever again. For a given customer, the migration is only be triggered from one of the three invocation points listed above. The user or the system reaches the first invocation point.


This migration strategy is set by default with the installation of Pega Client Lifecycle Management and KYC 8.5. Ensure the following dynamic system setting has the expected value:

PegaCLMFS Requirements/LegacyDocUpgradeStrategyOnDemand

Configuring document type automatic mapping

During the migration process, the system can automatically map document types that are used in 1G requirements into the new ones created for 2G. For example, you can configure the system to unify the document type that you use in 1G specific for jurisdiction (for example, Passport Australia) under a single type (for example, Passport).

The data page D_LegacyToRNGDocsMappingData keeps the mapping rules available to the migration process. The system sources the data page through a report definition that reads from the PegaReq-Data-Document-Mapping table. Add entries to the PegaReq-Data-Document-Mapping table as required by your organization.

Extending the functionality

Use the following rules to change the default behavior of the application:

Rule nameRule typeUsage
RNGSetDocStatusForLegacyDocs_ExtData transformBy default, the on-demand migration sets the status of all documents to Uploaded-Collected. Modify the rule to set a different status.
RNGSetReuseFlagForLegacyDocs_ExtData transformBy default, the migration sets the reuse flag of the document (the one that determines which documents The system can automatically reuse) from the definition of the document type. Modify the rule to set a different value.
RNGConstructAssociateInfoData transformThe retrieval of documents associated with a customer is done in 1G using the AssociateInfo property. If, for any reason, you made changes that the content of that property, changes to this rule might be required.
RNGLoadLegacyDocs_ExtData transformUse the rule to add logic to the migration of documents from 1G to 2G.

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