Accessing external data providers
Following the previous description of the different businesses and providers supported by the application, this section reviews how the application uses these business services and the data obtained from them. These are the points in the process where Pega Client Lifecycle Management and KYC invokes these business services or provides placeholders specifically created for your organization to invoke to other data retrieval services.
Manual data enrichment
In certain situations, users need to obtain more information about a given entity or individual. The application provides functionality where users can search for customers in external data providers. The data obtained from the search and any relevant documents found for the customer in the external data provider are available for users to enrich new or existing cases. You can access functionality from two different locations in the application:
- From the main customer search functionality available at the user’s portal, see . You can search for customers by name and, if required, create new onboarding cases, which can be initialized with the data and documents obtained from the search.
- From existing in-flight cases, see . Using the customer name, you can search for a customer and select which pieces of information or documents or both want to transfer to the contracting party case information. This option is available only for a customer of type organization and under certain journey types (for example, onboarding, maintenance, customer review). For more information, see P_EnrichCustomer_Required.
Automatic data enrichment
During the process of a case, the application can automatically access external data providers to enrich the customer information of the contracting party. There are two points of the application prepared for this purpose.
In the Retail segment, the application can invoke various business services (eIDVerification, eFraud, eOFAC, eCredit), enrich the case with the additional customer information obtained from those services (see the eKYC step in the Capture stage) and take automated decisions based on the new data.
In other segments, the invocation to business services can be configured at the placeholder provided at the enrichment stage of the process, see the Incorporate third party data step in the Enrich stage. Financial Institutions can plug in their calls to other business services there or, if required, create different invocations points in the process as deemed appropriate for the business needs.
Customer investigation
The application uses the Customer Investigation step in the Enrich stage of the main journey case types to conduct additional investigations on the contracting customer. The two types of investigation currently supported are Sanctions/PEP/Law Enforcement and Adverse Media Information.
For each type of these types, the system creates e-Screening subcases that, after accessing the external data providers, bring the different matches that might result from the inquiries. You can then review the matches, assess the associated risk and determine if the match is ultimately positive or false. The outcome of the investigations is propagated up to the main case and, from that moment on, becomes available for consideration during the assessment of attributes like customer risk or due diligence profile.
The application also conducts investigations on those parties deemed KYC significant during the due diligence process. The investigation on those parties is triggered in the Customer Investigation stage of the Global KYC cases created for them.
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