Creating a new journey type
Create your own journey case to extend the list of existing journeys and to meet your
specific business needs. You must perform these steps to make a new journey type available. For more information,
see the list of available Journey types and subtypes. Create a new class under the root class for your journeys in Pega Client Lifecycle Management and KYC. For example, if you plan to create a specific journey to manage the renewal of
documentation, you can create a class with the following characteristics: The system refers to the class that you create in many different operations, and so the
class must be registered under the D_AppExtension data page used by
the application for DCR. As the last step of the registration, the class must be added to the map value
MapForCustomerJourney. After creating the new class, you must create the three field value rules that
register the class as a journey type, with the following attributes: All journeys must have at least one journey subtype to be executed. For example, after creating a journey, you can create a first journey subtype to support
a periodic collection of documents. Create an additional field value rule to register a
new journey subtype. For additional field values, see the following table: Users can trigger journeys on the existing customer through the
Actions menu for customer search results. The
Actions menu lists all journey types and subtypes applicable to
that specific customer. The applicability of the journeys is driven by a set of when rules,
which when executed against the customer data, determine which of the journeys should
appear. To add a journey type and subtype available in the Actions menu,
create a new when rule. For example, to make your journey available only to active
customers, create a when rule with the following parameters: If you do not trigger your journey from the UI but create it by a background process (for
example, a recurrent job, an external service call), create the when rule so that it
always returns false. In the same way that you determine when your journey type is available, you must specify
the conditions that make your journey subtype available. For example, to make a journey
subtype available only to your organization, create another when rule with the following
parameters: You can also create journeys on the customer profile screen, known as the
Customer 360 or Master Profile screen. On the
customer profile screen, the Actions menu in the top-right corner of
the screen lists all journey types and subtypes applicable to that customer. The Actions menu is rendered using the navigation rule
PegaFS-Work.CustomerSearchActions. To add a new journey to
that menu, complete the following steps: Journey: DocumentCollection JourneySubtype:
DocumentCollectionPeriodic SetCustomerIDFromWorkContext:
true Target: Default ClassName:
UPFS-MyApp-Work-CLM-DocumentCollection FlowName: pyStartCaseCreating a new class
Attribute Value Class UPFS-MyApp-Work-CLM-DocumentCollection Class Type Concrete This Class Belongs to class group Class Group UPFS-MyApp-Work Registering a new journey type
Field Expected value Example input Field Name CustJourneyType Fixed Label Short name of the type DocumentCollection Applies-to Class Baseclass @baseclass Description Description of the subtype Document Collection Field Expected value Example input Field Name CustJourneyType Fixed Label Short name of the type DocumentCollection Applies-to Class Journey class UPFS-MyApp-Work-CLM-DocumentCollection Description Description of the subtype Document Collection Field Expected value Example input Field Name pyCaption Fixed Label Short name of the type DocumentCollection Applies-to Class Baseclass @baseclass Description Description of the subtype Document Collection Registering a new journey subtype
Field Expected value Example input Field Name CustJourneySubype Fixed Label Short name of the type DocumentCollection Applies-to Class Journey class UPFS-MyApp-Work-CLM-DocumentCollection Description Description of the subtype Periodic Document Collection Triggering a journey from a customer search
Field Expected value Example input Name Applies_<journeytype>_When Applies_ DocumentCollection_When Applies-to Class Journey class UPFS-MyApp-Work-CLM-DocumentCollection Logic Logic when the journey will be available .CustomerStatus=Active Field Expected value Example input Name Applies_<journeysubtype>_When Applies_
DocumentCollectionPeriodic_When Applies-to Class Journey class UPFS-MyApp-Work-CLM-DocumentCollection Logic Logic when the journey will be available .PartyType=Organization Triggering a journey from customer profile
Type Expected value Parameters Run Script CallCLMFSBusyIndicator Not applicable Run Data transform CLMPassParameters Create Work Not applicable
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