Deemed controlling parties
Mark related parties as deemed controlling
, based on an automated assessment.
The system uses the deemed controlling
flag during the KYC relevant parties, and
takes the flag through global due diligences.
The system performs an automated assessment based on the PegaFS-Data-PartypartyXref.RelevantPartyDecision rule. The system automatically triggers the process while adding a related party. Based on the assessment, the IsDeemedControlling property is either set to true or false. The property is persisted in the pp_IsDeemedControlling of the fsf_partypartyxref column of the database table during customer data synchronization.
While the preconfigured logic for assessing the deemed controlling
flag covers
most regular cases, the user can override the automated assessment. To manually set
the IsDeemedControlling property to true
or false, perform the following steps:
- In the navigation pane of Dev Studio, click Records.
- Expand the Decision category, and then click Decision Table.
- In the Decision Table tab, search for and select the RelevantPartyDecision decision table, that applies to the PegaFS-Data-PartyPartyXRef class.
- In the decision table, set the IsDeemedControlling property to false.
- Click Save.
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