Reviewing Regulatory due diligence case structure
Different jurisdictions, product types, and regulations require the Regulatory due diligence subcases, which are initiated in parallel with the Global KYC stage when the Due diligence stage starts. The cases that run in parallel to the Global KYC stage might be resolved before the Global KYC stage is completed.
- In the navigation pane of Dev Studio, click Records.
- Expand the Data Model category, and then click Data Transform.
- In the editor window, search for and select one of the following data transform
rules and update
Data transform Description PropagateDataToLocalKYCRegulatory Used to propagate the data that is required during the creation of local regulatory cases.
The case type includes PegaCLMFS-Work-KYC as one of the child cases of the parent Corporate and Investment Banking (CIB) case.
PopulateLocalCasesList Used to prepare the data based on which local and regulatory cases are created.
The data transform accepts the LKYCType parameter.
Based on the AML/Regulatory value, the system invokes the logic to create AML Local DD or Regulatory Local DD cases.
PopulateLocalCasesListData Used to create regulatory cases for organizations and individual customers.
PopulateLocalCasesListDataForFunds Used to create regulatory cases for funds.
The data transform invokes the CreateLocalCasesListForFunds_Unique and CreateLocalCasesListForFunds_Inherited data transforms, which contain logic to create funds based on the clmfs/SpinoffRegulatoryDDCasesForFunds dynamic system setting.
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