Client outreach web self-service portal
The application comes preconfigured with a widget that can be embedded in the financial institution's web self-service applications to show the Client outreach cases that are addressed to a certain customer.
To demonstrate this capability, customers can use the new Pega WSS demo application.
Web self-service (WSS) configuration
To configure the web application, scroll down to the bottom of the home page of one of the industries and click Settings.
There are multiple options, some of them generic, while others are very specific to some Pega applications. The most important tabs for an application for CLM are:
- To Do Widget – Configures the widget that displays in the central area of the landing page after login. In the widget, the user can see the list of the Client outreach cases that are addressed to them.
- Users – Configuration of users supported by the WSS application, in addition to the Pega operators to be used to access to the Pega application.
In addition to the actual configuration options, there are two icons in the right-top corner that enable users to download the configuration file and upload a configuration from an existing file. Note that all changes to the configuration are lost after the browser session is finished. Browsers opened in an incognito session cannot view the configuration made under other sessions. As a best practice, always keep a copy of the configuration file for future reuse.
To Do Widget
In the To Do Widget area, provide the configuration that is listed in the following table.
Parameter | Value |
Action | Display |
Action parameter | pyToDoList |
URL | |
Classname | Data-Portal |
Start case | pyStartCase |
Application name | PegaCLMFSWSS |
The URL of the application, which must be an HTTPS-secure URL, can be obtained in the Mashup configuration.
Configure the users that can access the web application and map the Pega operators. Multiple users can be configured to use the same Pega operator but with different customer IDs. Set the contact ID as the identifier of the customer in the Pega CLM database.
Pega application configuration
Server configuration
The Pega server should be exposed through a valid name and a valid certificate. Access through non-secure HTTP or to an HTTPS server by using a self-signed certificate is not allowed or recommended.
In addition, the server should have the following attributes disabled: the same site cookie attribute and the CSRF token check (Dev Studio > System > Settings > Cross Site Request Forgery).
Application configuration
The URL of the web application needs to be added to the application as a trusted origin (Integration & Security). Customers who use the CLMFSWSS application shipped with CLM do not need to make any changes because this configuration is already present.
In addition to these changes, there are certain actions (for example, open assignment) that also need the server listed in the Content Security Policy of the application under frame-ancestors.
Implementation at CLM
Security and Access
- Name: PegaCLMFSWSS
- Build on: PegaCLMFS
- Rulesets: PegaCLMFSWSS (New), PegaFSCOWSS (New)
- Trusted Origin:
Access Group
- Application: PegaCLMFSWSS 8
- Portals: no portals
- Roles: PegaCLMFS:WorkMgr, PegaCLMFS:WSS (New) - Additional roles can be added as required
- Workpool: PegaCLMFS-Work
- AccessGroup: CLMFS_WSS
- Name: CLMFSWSSSysAdmin
- AccessGroup: CLMFS_WSS
To Do List
The To Do Widget (rulesetTheme-Clarity) is in the Data-Portal.pyTodoList harness, which invokes the Data-Portal.pyTodoList and Data-Portal.pyTodoListWrapperInContainer section, which in turn iterates through all of the elements in the D_pyUserWorkList data page to show a list of assignments. Each item in the list is displayed by using sectionpyToDoListInfo, which shows an icon based on priority, a label (case label), a task label (assignment description), and a button to open the assignment.
- Harness Data-Portal.pyTodoList – Entry point
- Section Data-Portal.pyTodoList – Wrapper
- Section Data-Portal.pyTodoListWrapperInContainer – Iterate through D_pyUserWorkList
- Section Assign-Worklist.pyToDoListInfo – Display each assignment
The source of the to do list is the D_ClientOutreachWSSTodo data page. It is populated by the ClientOutreachWSSTodo report in Assign-Workbasket, and by default takes all assignments connected with the client outreach case for the given recipient with a Pending-Fulfillment status.
During the rendering of a section, the parameter page cannot be used to pass parameters to a data page. As a solution, the section itself can iterate through all the parameters during the section generation and put them in a clipboard page accessible during the configuration of the data page. For that purpose, a new class was created (container) along with a section (custom HTM) to move the values from the parameters page into a top-level clipboard page.
Name | Rule type | Info |
PegaFS-Data-ClientoutReach-WSSCtx | Class | Class of the page that contains the parameters received from the WSS web application so they can be used by the gadget. Contains a RecipientId property that is used by the gadget to retrieve Client outreach cases only for that customer. |
ClientOutreachWSSCtx | Section | Included pyTodoListWrapperInContainer section. Initializes the context page. |
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