Data traceability extension details
The following rules comprise extended data change tracking implementation.
Rule name | Rule set | Rule type | Description |
PegaFS-Data-Party-MasterProfile. FSIFTrackSecurityChanges | PegaFS | Declare trigger | Launches the FSIFTrackSecurityChanges activity if a when condition evaluates to true and an instance is saved to the MasterProfile table. |
PegaFS-Data-Party-MasterProfile. IsTrackingFunctionalityEnabled | PegaFS | When | Evaluates a DSS setting to enable or disable traceability. |
fs/FSIFTrackingFunctionalityEnabled | PegaFS | Dynamic system setting | True – enables data traceability. False – disables data traceability. |
@baseclass. FSIFTrackSecurityChanges | PegaFS | Activity | Tracks changes to the properties that are defined in the FSIFTrackSecurityChanges data transform. |
@baseclass. FSIFTrackSecurityChangesLogic | PegaFS | Activity | Compares changes on tracked properties. |
Embed-ModelParams. FSIFTrackSecurityChangesLogic_ext | PegaFS | Activity | Tracks extension activity for the implementation layer for any required customization. |
Embed-ModelParams. SaveChangeTrackerInstance | PegaFS | Activity | Fetches parameter values and creates an instance of the master profile. |
@baseclass. FSIFTrackChangesSetContext | PegaFS | Decision table | Returns the target context based on the data class that is configured in the AppExtension data transform. |
PegaFS-Data-Party-MasterProfile. FSIFTrackSecurityChanges | PegaFS | Data transform | Configures properties to be tracked for traceability. For example, BusinessObjGoalsList is a scalar property and Address is a page group. List both of these in this data transform and create a data transform with the name FSIFTrackSecurityChanges in its applies-to class (PegaFS-Data-Party), then add to it the list of properties to be tracked (properties in the Address page group). |
PegaFS-Data-Address. FSIFTrackSecurityChanges | PegaFS | Data transform | For details, see the PegaFS-Data-Address. FSIFTrackSecurityChanges data transform row. |
Embed-HistoryMemo. MapChangeTrackerDataInfo | PegaFS | Data transform | Maps source information from the D_SourceDataInfo data page to the primary registry. |
Embed-ModelParams. IsEmbeddedPageToTrack | PegaFS | When | Checks if the embedded page needs to be tracked. Called from the FSIFTrackSecurityChanges activity. |
PegaFS-Data-ChangeTracker | PegaFS | Class | Contains a data model for traceability. |
PegaFS-Data-ChangeTracker. caseID | PegaFS | Property | Stores the work case identifier for the tracked change. |
PegaFS-Data-ChangeTracker. previousValue | PegaFS | Property | Stores a target element value prior to the change, for instance, Cambridge. |
PegaFS-Data-ChangeTracker. finalValue | PegaFS | Property | Stores a target element value after the change, for instance, Somerville. |
Data-.SourceContext | PegaFS | Property | Stores context for which the change is performed, for instance, manual collection, Markit provider data, Clarient provider data, and so on. This value is dynamically retrieved based on internal introspection pages. |
PegaFS-Data-ChangeTracker. sourceApplication | PegaFS | Property | Stores an application name on which the change is performed, for instance, Customer Lifecycle Management or Know Your Customer. |
PegaFS-Data-ChangeTracker. sourceIP | PegaFS | Property | Stores changes that are triggered from a specific IP address. The information is retrieved from the Thread system page. |
PegaFS-Data-ChangeTracker. sourceNode | PegaFS | Property | Stores changes that are performed on a specific node. The information is retrieved from the Thread system page. |
PegaFS-Data-ChangeTracker. sourceOperator | PegaFS | Property | Stores changes that are performed by a specific operator. If the change is automatic, the value is empty. |
PegaFS-Data-ChangeTracker. targetContext | PegaFS | Property | Contains the data vehicle that is tracked, for instance, customer master profile. |
PegaFS-Data-ChangeTracker. targetElement | PegaFS | Property | Contains the data element that is changed, for instance, country of incorporation. |
PegaFS-Data-ChangeTracker. TargetElementID | PegaFS | Property | Contains the data element ID that is changed, for instance, the CountryOfInc property. |
PegaFS-Data-ChangeTracker. targetElementPath | PegaFS | Property | Contains the path to the data element that is changed within the target context, for instance, Address(Home). |
PegaFS-Data-ChangeTracker. timestamp | PegaFS | Property | Contains the timestamp of the tracked change record. |
PegaFS-Data-ChangeTracker. customProperty1 | PegaFS | Property | Contains custom property1, which is available for extension/specialization. |
PegaFS-Data-ChangeTracker. customProperty2 | PegaFS | Property | Contains custom property2, which is available for extension/specialization. |
PegaFS-Data.Comment | PegaFS | Property | Stores the comment that indicates the change performed, for instance, "Change performed in Country of incorporation value from BF to US." |
Data-CustomerID | PegaFS | Property | Stores the customer identifier for the tracked change. |
PegaFS-Data-ChangeTracker. pyLabel • ChangeTrack_Add | PegaFS | Field value | Displays user-friendly information about a property; a corresponding field value is used and can be used for localization purposes. |
PegaFS-Data-ChangeTracker. pyLabel • ChangeTrack_Remove_Indexed | PegaFS | Field value | Displays user-friendly information about a property; a corresponding field value is used and can be used for localization purposes. |
PegaFS-Data-ChangeTracker. pyLabel • ChangeTrack_Add_Indexed | PegaFS | Field value | Displays user-friendly information about a property; a corresponding field value is used and can be used for localization purposes. |
PegaFS-Data-ChangeTracker. pyLabel • ChangeTrack_Change | PegaFS | Field value | Displays user-friendly information about a property; a corresponding field value is used and can be used for localization purposes. |
PegaFS-Data-ChangeTracker. pyLabel • ChangeTrack_Change_Indexed | PegaFS | Field value | Displays user-friendly information about a property; a corresponding field value is used and can be used for localization purposes. |
PegaFS-Data-ChangeTracker. pyLabel • ChangeTrack_Remove | PegaFS | Field value | Displays user-friendly information about a property; a corresponding field value is used and can be used for localization purposes. |
PegaFS-Data-ChangeTracker. GetChangeTracker | PegaFS | Report definition | Obtains data change history. Filters using the case ID, customer ID, source context, target context, target element ID, and target element path. |
PegaFS-Data-ChangeTracker. D_GetChangeTracker | PegaFS | Data page | Calls the GetChangeTracker report definition and allows the following properties as parameters: case ID, customer ID, source context, target context, target element ID, and target element path. |
D_SourceDataInfo | PegaFS | Data page | Calls the SourceDataInfo data transform to get contextual information about source data. |
SourceDataInfo | PegaFS | Data transform | Sets contextual information about the source data to show where the data changes are coming from. Sets the source data information for other Financial Services applications. |
The following properties are tracked.
Class name | List of properties |
PegaFS-Data-Party-MasterProfile | CountryOfInc BusinessCode CountryOfCitizenship NextKYCReviewDate |
PegaFS-Data-Address | CountryCode ZipCode AddressLine1 City |
PegaFS-Data-Country | CountryName SensitivityCode pyDescription SanctionDesc IsEUCountry |
PegaFS-Data-PartyPartyXRef | actingAs Party2Id RelCode RiskCode |
PegaFS-Data-EmploymentHistory | Title |
PegaFS-Data-Tax | TaxNewStatus TaxOldStatus Status OverriddenReason OverriddenBy OverriddenDate JurisdictionList |
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