Creating the application
After you defined your implementation strategy create a new application. Prepare an operator that can be used to run the New Application wizard.
To create a new operator ID for running the New Application wizard, complete the following steps:
Log in to Dev Studio by using the operator ID [email protected] and the password that you specified for that operator.
Save a copy of the existing [email protected] operator and give it a name that identifies it as an Application Setup operator.
Add the CLMFS:AppSetup access group to the new operator record, and then click the radio button to the left of the access group to select it as the default access group.
When this access group is selected as the default access group for an operator, the New Application wizard opens when the operator logs in.Save the new Application Setup operator.
Log in as the Application Setup operator.
Choose a type of application CLM for Financial Services.
Click Use this application type.
If you want to reuse resources from the application, such as case types or data types import the resources to your new application:
In the Select case types section, select the check box next to each applicable case type.
It is possible to select all case types, even if you do not plan to use all from the beginning, or add them later from the Case Types area of the new application.Click Continue.
In the Select data types section, select the check box next to each relevant data type.
By default, the list includes the most relevant data types used by the base application, but depending on your business needs, you might not need all of them. Select all available data types, and later, if required, removed those from the Data Types area of your new application.Click Continue.
On the Name your application page, enter the name of the application, and then click Advanced configuration.
In the Organization settings section, enter the Organization name, Division name, and Unit name for this application.
The New Application wizard creates the application class structure for you based on the organization settings that you enter. For more information, see Class layers and Class hierarchy and inheritance.
If you have not already defined the organization entities (for example, if you have not already defined the division), type the name of the new entity in the appropriate field. The application saves the new values when you create the new application.
Click Save.
Click Create application.
The Application Wizard creates the implementation application including all required classes, rulesets, application rules and a system administrator access group that will be automatically added to the operator running the wizard.To open the new application, click Go to app.
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