Dynamic system setting rules
Dynamic system settings control the behavior of your application.
Category | Ruleset/Setting | Description |
Async processors | PegaCLMFS clmfs/EnableAsynchronousProcess | This dynamic system setting allows for enabling or disabling asynchronous processing in some parts of the CLM application, when the synchronous transaction times might be very long and it is not required to get the online operator waiting for so long. A true value allows the application to send long processing to an asynchronous queue. Otherwise it will be fully synchronous. It is recommended that CLM application in production sets this value to true to avoid long waiting times for operators. |
Async processors | PegaCLMFS clmfs/AsyncProcessingSwitch | If set to true asynchronous processing is used at various places in application like Capture2Enrich, Enrich2DueDiligence, while creating LKYC AML cases. |
Async processors | PegaCLMFS clmfs/RetryOnLock | DSS used for defining the retry process of event in case cases are locked. If set to true when case is locked the pyAttempts is not incremented. If set to false when case is locked the pyAttempts is incremented. |
Audit | PegaFS fs/FSIFTrackingFunctionalityEnabled | This dynamic system setting enable or disable the tracking mechanism in CLM layer for the chosen properties in Masterprofile. |
Case Initialization | PegaCLMFSRet clmfs/ret/OnlineBranch | This dynamic system setting indicates what the online retail branch is for the organization. By default, setting the value as RT-GCB-USA-Boston-ORBr. |
EDR | PegaFS fs/EventLeadDays | This dynamic system setting to set the lead time, if this value is set and then the events leading this many days are triggered and kept in queue. |
EDR | PegaFS fs/DocumentExpiredWithin | This dynamic system setting to choose the number of days from current date whose review event have to be created. |
EDR | PegaFS fs/NextReviewWithin | This dynamic system setting to choose the number of days from current date whose review event have to be created. |
eScreening | PegaFS LicensedToUseEScreening | This dynamic system setting enables or disables the functionality for creating eScreening subcases for customers. Only licensed customers are expected to use eScreening functionality. A true value sets the application for spinning off eScreening subcases. Otherwise they are not created. |
Fulfillment | PegaCLMFS clmfs/bSpinoffFulfillment | This dynamic system setting is responsible for configuring in CLM whether the functionality for product fulfillment in parallel is by default enabled or disabled. A true value indicated enabled by default. Otherwise disabled. |
Fulfillment | PegaCLMFS clmfs/SpinoffFulfillmentBy | This dynamic system setting indicates what is the parallel product fulfillment approach to be set by default. For the moment the only available approach is via jurisdiction, so value is Jurisdiction. |
Fulfillment | PegaCLMFS clmfs/EnableSpinoffFulfillment | This dynamic system setting is responsible for setting the system to allow configuration of product fulfillment in parallel or not. If the value is true the system will show the configuration for allowing product fulfillment in parallel. Otherwise it will be invisible and not available. |
KYC Engine | PegaKYCFS KYCTypeRootClass | Class used by the KYC Rule Manager portal as the base container of all KYC Types, either directly or through subclasses extending by pattern. No impact to KYC Engine during runtime. |
KYC Engine | PegaKYCFS EnableDueDiligenceIndexing | Setting this DSS to true will enable indexing of the KYC Items. |
KYC Engine | PegaKYC RegulatoryImportInProgress | Used to check if regulatory compliance import is in progress. Used in the KYCWatchDog whether to generate hash or skip it. Set true - before the regulatory compliance import. Set false - post regulatory compliance import is complete. |
KYC Engine | PegaKYC PolicyMemoryCleanupInDays | Indicates the number of days a Policy memory is valid from the updated day. Used to delete the Policy memory which are stale. called from StalePolicyMemoryCleanup. |
KYC FS App | PegaKYC yearsKYCvalid/maxdefault | Indicates the maximum number of years a KYC Type is valid from creation or approval without considering risk. For example, to be used before risk is calculated or used. |
KYC FS App | PegaKYC yearsKYCvalid/highriskcustomers | Indicates the number of years a KYC Type is valid from creation or approval for a high-risk customer. |
KYC/DD | PegaCLMFS clmfs/LicensedToUseKYC | This dynamic system setting enables or disables the functionality for creating KYC (GKYCor LKYC) subcases for customers. Only licensed customers are expected to use KYC functionality. A true value sets the application for spinning off KYC subcases. Otherwise they are not created. |
KYC/DD | PegaCLMFS clmfs/SpinoffRegulatoryDDCasesForFunds | Used to apply appropriate logic for regulatory case creation. If Unique is the value, regulatory cases will be created for all jurisdictions. If Inherited is the value, regulatory case will be created for parent. If RegulatoryCaseCreationWhenRuleEvaluation is set as value for DSS and if the result is true, it sets to Unique and behaves the same as above when the DSS is set to Unique. If the when rule evaluates to false, inherited behavior will be observed. |
KYC/DD | PegaCLMFS clmfs/CreateAllLocalRegulatoryUpfront | This dynamic system setting is responsible for configuring whether the CLM application rolls out all the regulatory local subcases in parallel with related parties subcases, skipping the regular case design, or not. A true value means local subcases are rolled out in parallel with related party subcases. |
KYC/DD | PegaCLMFS PegaCLMFS/SkipValidationForDemo | The different validations that the KYC engine does when submitting a KYC Type can be disabled for demo purposes using this setting. Set true to skip the validations. Set false to keep the validations active. |
KYC/DD | PegaCLMFS clmfs/SpinoffTaxCasesForFunds | If Unique - Tax cases will be created for all jurisdictions. If Inherited is the value, Tax case will be created for FM. If TaxCaseCreationWhenRuleEvaluation is set as value for DSS and if the result is true, it sets to Unique and behaves the same as above when the DSS is set to Unique. If the when rule evaluates to false, inherited behavior will be observed. |
KYC/DD | PegaCLMFS clmfs/DisableCRSFATCAOverrideLink | This dynamic system setting enables or disables the possibility for the Tax reviewer to Override the result of the Tax (FATCA or CRS) assessment via questionnaire. A true value would disable the Override functionality. Otherwise it will be available. |
KYC/DD | PegaCLMFS clmfs/bEnableMaterialChangeAssessment | This dynamic system setting is responsible for configuring in CLM whether the functionality for product fulfillment in parallel is by default enabled or disabled. A true value indicated enabled by default. |
KYC/DD | PegaCLMFS clmfs/SkipEmptyKYCAssignment | This dynamic system setting allows for configuration on whether manual assignments for KYC data collection tasks are required where there is no KYC type applying or all the ones applying are complete. A true value skips those assignments and autocomplete the related KYC cases. Otherwise assignments are created. |
KYC/DD | PegaCLMFS clmfs/OECDResidenceCountry | This dynamic system setting indicates whether the country of legal residence of the CLM application hosting Financial Institution is member of the OECD list. This setting impacts how the CRS subcases are triggered, and the related CRS status calculated. |
KYC/DD | PegaKYCFS GenerateDueDiligencePDF | Enables or disables the generation of PDF documents for the KYC Type after review. When set to true, the system will ask to the user doing the review of the KYC type if the document should be generated. When set to false, the system will not ask and will automatically bypass this functionality. |
KYC/DD | PegaKYC yearsKYCvalid/lowriskcustomers | Indicates the number of years a KYC Type is valid from creation or approval for a low risk customer. |
Master Profile | PegaCLMFS clmfs/MasterProfileCache/Enabled | Flag to activate the access to the Master Profile through cache. When the value is set to true, the system makes use of the cache. A value of false will bypass the cache. |
Master Profile | PegaCLMFS clmfs/MasterProfileCache/Size | Number of active instances in the Master Profile for the requestor. When no value is set, the system uses a value of 10. |
Relationship Network | PegaFSRP RPNewGeneration/UseQuickDBAccessForRelNetFetching | Toggle to enable quick database search (direct query) for RelNet fetching and building. |
Relationship Network | PegaFSRP RPNewGeneration/ UseQuickDBAccessForCustomerData | Toggle to enable quick database search (direct query) for customer data. |
Relationship Network | PegaFSRP RPNewGeneration/maxDepthRelNet | Max depth in relationship network calculation for RP New Gen. |
Relationship Network | PegaFSRP RPNewGeneration/enableNewVisualizer | Setting to enable the new Relationship Network Visualizer (8.5) network calculation for RP New Gen. |
Requirements | PegaCLMFS Requirements/ActiveGeneration | Used to determine the active generation of the requirements functionality in CLM application. If the setting is set to 1 or blank, the application will use the legacy version of the module. A value of 2 will indicate that the new version should be used. |
Requirements | PegaCLMFS Requirements/LastGeneration | Used to determine the last version of the requirements functionality installed in the system. It is set through the deployment of the requirements functionality and should not be maintained by consumer applications. |
Requirements | PegaCLMFS Requirements/DMS/OutboundAsyncModeEnabled | Used to determine if async mode of outbound synchronization of documents to DMS document library for requirements is enabled. The default setting is true. true - outbound synchronization of documents to DMS document library happens asynchronously. false - outbound synchronization of documents to DMS document library happens synchronously. |
Requirements | PegaCLMFS Requirements/DMS/DocLibraryEnabled | Used for identifying if DMS document library is enabled for requirements. |
Requirements | PegaCLMFS Requirements/DMS/OutboundSynchronizationEnabled | Used to determine if outbound synchronization of documents to DMS document library for requirements is enabled. The default setting is false. |
Requirements | PegaCLMFS Requirements/LocatorModifierUseDefault | Used by the requirements synchronization engine to determine the use of default sets. During that process, the system tries to find the sets marked with the locator, key and modifier passed by the application (for example, a CIP, Entity, UK). If there is no match and this setting is set to false, the engine does not create any requirement. If this setting is set to true, however, the system performs another query, this time using the same locator and key and with a modifier Default (for example, a CIP, Entity, Default). |
Requirements | PegaFSRequirements SkipValidateStage | Skips Validate stage when enabled. |
Requirements | PegaFSRequirements SkipApproveStage | Used to skip approve stage in requirement case |
Routing | PegaCLMFS clmfs/DefineRMInChargeLevel | This dynamic system setting used to define the level of the RMInCharge at the Financial Institution level. Possible values are as shown below: 0 - Single RMInCharge across FI (no option to capture at BusinessRelationshipList level) 1 - Option to have RMInCharge both at case level as well as in each of the BusinessRelationshipList. |
WSS | PegaCLMFSRet clmfs/ret/yrsAtPrimaryAddress | To enable/disable demo mode in wss/mobile Possible values are: 1) true: document collection can be skipped in WSS/Mobile regardless of the data provided for the customer. 2) false: default value. No change in the application functionality. |
WSS | PegaCLMFSRet clmfs/ret/wssdemomode | Ability to be able to consistently skip document collection in demo starting on the native iPhone App and also streamline my demo for best case scenario. |
Supporting | PegaCLMFS LoggingFunctionalityEnabled | Used in IsLoggingFunctionalityEnabled when rule to check if logging is enabled. |
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