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Enabling users to simultaneously work on cases

Updated on February 16, 2021

By default, when a user opens an assignment for action, the system locks the case that the assignment belongs to and its parent case to avoid conflicts created by other users acting on those cases. The lock persists until the assignment is saved, canceled, or submitted. You can enable multiple users to simultaneously work on the same assignments and cases.

For information about locking cases, see Locking Cases.

  1. Ensure you have a copy of the Pega Client Lifecycle Management for Financial Services case types in your implementation layer rulesets. Although it is not mandatory, it is recommended as well to have them in your class structure.

  2. Copy the pyOptimisticLockingEnableParentLock application setting (Pega-ProcessArchitect ruleset) into your rulesets.

  3. Enable the configuration for all the production levels. This activates advanced optimistic locking settings in the case type rule.

    1. From the navigation panel, click RecordsSysAdminApplication Settings.

    2. Select pyOptimisticLockingEnableParentLock.

    3. Select the check boxes to set the value to True.

    4. Save the application settings.

  4. Enable simultaneous work on your top-level case types.

    1. In the navigation panel, click Case Types and select the case in which you want to enable simultaneous work.

    2. Click the Settings tab.

    3. Click ActionsOpen.

    4. Click the Advanced tab.

    5. Select Allow multiple users.

    6. Select the option Lock parent case when an action is performed on the case to ensure that there are no data integrity issues when two users work simultaneously on two cases from the same parent (for example, Local KYC cases).

    7. Save the application settings.

  5. Optional:

    If there are conflicts during the resolution of assignments, the system uses the pyShowConflict section (included in the pyCaseHeaderOuter section). If you have customized the default perform harnesses, you should update them and ensure that this section is included. The harnesses are:

    • PegaCLMFS-Work.Perform
    • PegaCLMFS-Work-Requirement.Perform
    • PegaCLMFS-Work-Requirement.RequirementHarness

When two users access the same assignment in the same case at the same time, and the first user completes the assignment, the second user receives a message saying that the case has been modified. The system, however, leaves the second user in the original assignment instead of checking the validity of the assignment. It directs the second user to a review harness with a message stating that the assignment was already performed by someone else.


When a background process, such as the one that manages service level agreements or correspondence, takes control of the case for few milliseconds to update the case (for example, to increase the urgency), users that have the assignment open, will get an error saying that the case was modified and needs to be refreshed to regain control of it. Refreshing the case may result in the loss of some data entered in that assignment.

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