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Funds specialization

Updated on February 16, 2021

The topics in this section describe a dynamic system setting that enables you to control which tax or due diligence cases get created while managing fund managers and funds.

Configuring tax cases for funds

The clmfs/SpinoffTaxCasesForFunds dynamic system setting enables you to control which tax cases are created while managing fund managers and funds.

  1. In the navigation pane of Dev Studio, click Records.

  2. Expand the SysAdmin category, and then click Dynamic System Settings.

  3. In the editor window, search for and select the clmfs/SpinoffTaxCasesForFunds dynamic system setting.

  4. In the Value field, enter a value that meets your business needs:

    • To create the tax cases (FACTA/CRS) for the fund manager and each fund selected for that particular journey, enter Unique.
    • To create the tax cases (FACTA/CRS) only for the fund manager, enter Inherited.
    • To customize the creation of the tax cases by specifying a when rule, for example, TaxCaseCreationWhenRuleEvaluation, enter If is valid when rule.
    Note: If the result of the when rule is true, the default value is Unique. If the result is false the default value is Inherited.

Configuring due diligence cases for funds

The clmfs/SpinoffRegulatoryDDCasesForFunds dynamic system setting enables you to control which due diligence cases are created while managing fund managers and funds.

  1. In the navigation pane of Dev Studio, click Records.

  2. Expand the SysAdmin category, and then click Dynamic System Settings.

  3. In the Dynamic System Settings tab, search for and select the clmfs/SpinoffRegulatoryDDCasesForFunds dynamic system setting.

  4. In the Value field, enter a value that meets your business needs:

    • To create the regulatory cases (LKYC) for each fund selected for that particular journey, enter Unique.
    • To create the regulatory cases (LKYC) only for the fund manager, enter Inherited.
    • To customize the creation of the regulatory cases by specifying a when rule, for example, TaxCaseCreationWhenRuleEvaluation, enter If is valid when rule.
    Note: If the result of the when rule is true, the default value is Unique. If the result is false, the default value is Inherited.

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